
Muslims, are you more likely to get marriage by your choice of spouse or by your parents choice?

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*married sorry typo err




  1. I'll inshalla pick my spouse and then get my mums opinion but if i'm happy she won't object and I get the final say.

  2. It is by our choice and the parents approval

  3. My own choice.

    Parents are free to recommend of course but sometimes it feels like we're from different planets so its not often that our choices converge.

    I haven't met anyone either, which explains why I'm still single.

  4. Insha Allah I'm gonna get married next Shawwal.

    I choose the man I like. I asked my mother and described the man I like, after she approved, I proposed him to marry me.

    Before I proposed a man to marry me, I refused 2 men that my mother wanted me to marry that person. and my mother was ok with my refusals because she really understands me, I'm so blessed to have mother like her.

  5. both...ways are possible...

  6. my mom has recomended guys for me already but what SHE wants for me and what I want are two different things, so id rather choose my own spouse and then get her approval inshallah

  7. Of course my choice of spouse.

    I won't mind if my parents give me any suggestions because I know they have a good taste in guys but basically I would check out myself if he is the right guy I am not into those 10th century arranged marriage ideology.

    @Ninja: I thought you say that dating is Haram and stuff then isn't it ironic that you say you would "choose" your spouse when you support arranged marriages personal choice

    Well arranged marriage and own choice doesn't come together.When you say its arranged, its your parents decision.When you find a partner on your own its called

  8. Whichever way I get married and whoever I may get married to, I want to do it the right way, the way Allah swt wants us to. If my parents want me to get married in a few years time, I'll tell them who I want to marry and if they approve of her and ask for her hand and she accepts, that in my opinion is the right way.

  9. My own choice, but of course with the approval of my parents want them to be happy too! ;)

    @ Saudi Girl: Did  I write I WILL DATE.... gosh you fail to amaze me with your mentality, It is OK to have arranged marriages by suggestion and recommendation as long as both parties are agreeable this is One of the conditions of a valid marriage is consent of the couple. A  person was suggested to me, thus I got to know him etc within the boundaries that are permitted. So you see it was my OWN CHOICE as I got to know him etc . Dear you are so occupied with this understanding of 'extremists' when in reality you contradict your self and don't understand.

    @ Saudi Girl: Any other points you want clarifying will be happy to clarify ;)

  10. choice of my spouse. If you let your mother choose you will end up with a wife just like her.

  11. In Islam it is forbidden for parents to force marriage ... they can just help but if son or daughter doesnot want to marry they cant force ... i dont have the hadis in mind ....

    but u can search for that hadis at

  12. Both

  13. My parents have already chosen my hubby but we're still young so we're getting married in a few years inshallah lol i honestly was freaked out  at first n rebelled against it n acted out n did all that stuff but when i looked at other failed marriages i was like he's such a warm, loving, nerdy, harmless guy n has done nothing bad for me to reject him for no reason. lol so i was like h**l yeah.. I can boss him around n he'll be my slave MWAHAHAHAHAHA lol seriously he's such a nice kid lol

  14. If I were the Quarter Back of the best football team and was about to start the super bowl, I would not play if they were watching.

    So why would I take their advice on who to marry?

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