
Muslims, do you believe in marrying out of your sects?

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this goes to Sunnis and Shias only please

educated and sensible answers only




  1. Well i could marry a sunni if and only if she wants to convert to Shiaism, the right path...otherwise i know alot of Shia girls around  

  2. yes i think so becuase we are all muslim at the end of the day...

    my friends uncle married a shie and he is sunni, and apartantly things get fierce! and alot of arguments are cuased of which one is the right way ect. :( saddening becuase we all have the same  beliefs about Allah (SWT)

    jazalhi Allah khair


  3. Well, as a Muslim, I can't marry non-Muslim (other than Jew or Christian) so marrying another sect, such as Shiites would be Har'am!  

  4. If they are Muslim in general, sure why not?

  5. Yes, I do, but my parents would kill me if I did. :(

  6. I rather marry one who has the same Aqeedah as me

  7. In our family definitely not, I'm a Sunni, and no-one in our family would dare entertain the thought of marrying a Shia.  I've heard some really strange things about their beliefs.  It may be rumours, but even so, we would never disobey our elders, who absolutely forbid such unions.

  8. No, bc i wouldn't be able to adapt to his teachings, and I am totally against some things Shias do, but I do respect them as I respect everyone.  

  9. Yeah well.. why not?

    As long as their not extremists.. =x

  10. Yes/depends on how sensible the person is and how much he supports me without an expectation of converting from me!

    I'd go for sincerety and love and the Morals a person has!

    btw..I'd try hard to fin oe in my own sect cause there is no gurantee in human moods and charecters!

  11. I care about her Akhlaq more than what part of Islam she is.

  12. Yes/No

    Everyone will have different opinions. I still need to think about mine.

  13. nope, i dont trust wahabi chicks

  14. No, not for me.

  15. According to the scriptures... the muslims must believe in it!

    Well.. and muslims are not always like that of the scriptures

  16. I would never marry a wahabi, even though he is a muslim. I can't sit in the same room with one, let alone marry. All the rest are eligible.

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