
Muslims, have you ever been to a 'muslim' country and been harassed by the people there?

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I went to Pakistan and nearly everybody stared at me for covering up properly. some even came up to me and questioned me. Esp the village women.

That was only one thing I mentioned.




  1. I know that non-Muslim women are harassed in certain Gulf countries. "Respectable" Arabs chase them in their SUV's, waving fistful of dollars.

    How about putting such people in zoos instead of covering up women for respectability and protection?

    Edit: How strange, some of you ridiculing the traditions of your hometowns. And don't give me "I respect them" nonsense. You are saying you are covering up "appropriately" and they are not.

    For your information. You can't muck out barns, milk cows, dig and sow and harvest land in those all covering thingies. I know, I have been to villages.

    The dress code in most villages all over the world is the same: headscarf to protect you from dust and sun, loose blouse to let you move freely, loose pants (şalvar) and skirt to protect you from thistles and let you work. Cappisch? City dress won't help with that!

  2. It happens everywhere to most us us......whether Muslim or not

  3. I always think it is important if I visit a foreign country that I respect their laws and customs.

    It’s very strange though that the opposite happens in the UK. Muslims come here, enjoy the UK, completely ignore British law and culture, and instead try to boom us. In return, we have anti-discrimination laws that will give them compensation for doing this. So bizarre.

  4. well no one has the right to judge

    so you are right in this situation but apparel is ones own decision

    i love pakistan but our village people they are really weird especially the women they gossip a lot

  5. it is pretty normal in Pakistan,  May Allah (swt) guide us Allah!!

  6. yes the same to me

    i went in algeria and they are so attract by europeen life than everybody was asking me " why do you cover up like that"... and i was ashamed to go around with my husband and girls around were wearing hot pants!...

  7. I live in an Islamic city(only by the name) Im harassed by the people as they do the prayers while they are thinking of another subject , all of them knows that he is Muslim but he spoiled Islam by his or her characters ,they are doing things in the name of Islam but it is originated from a spoiled past culture,and so many things which makes me so angry .

  8. A Muslim writer was without a beard, had the good fortune of performing Haj.

    While in Ka'bah he took a copy of the Quran and kissed it out of respect before starting to recite from it.

    This highly irritated a few elderly and young Arabs (all with beards) sitting near him who pointing to his clean shaven chin...

    They reprimanded him for not having a beard and not observing the Sunnah of the Prophet(SAW).

  9. Really? And this is in Pakistan? Wow...

    No, luckily I haven't. I would turn around to them and say "Mind your own bloody business" if I ever encounter with one harasser.

    Or maybe I would turn and run away crying =(

  10. Yes, I totally agree with you.  When I went to Pakistan, I was, unfortunately, RIDICULED for wearing hijab and properly covering.  My OWN aunt was shocked, although she did know I wore hijab, she thought I was the "sometime" hijab wearer.  In Pakistan, we live in the same house as my cousins and since all my cousins on my dad's side are guys, I wouldn't take my hijab off, and my aunt thought I was being "extreme." i was like WTH? I am NOT being extreme.  This is Islam and what is right in Islam is what I will do.  I was SO upset that they thought I was "extreme."  I just wanted to yell "are you KIDDING me?" in their faces.  And also, when we met other people, they saw me and said, "YOU'RE from America?" Like it was hard for them to believe that someone born and raised in the West was covering so properly. They just assume anyone who is raised here are "bad" Muslims. Pathetic isn't it?? =/  

  11. I have been to a prodominantly Islamic country yes, Egypt.

    If you are going to go somewhere you have to respect the culture and religion that comes with that place....if you went to a Christian country and they said 'sorry no shops are open on a Sunday' would you try and open one because you don't believe in it?

    It's called respect!

  12. Good question. Is this a case of emigrants being over-conservative? If you go to the US you'll find that the Irish communities there are much more nationalist and anti-English than the Irish in Eire are. It's like they're caught in a stereotype and overcompensate for having left the country of their origin.

    Likewise some Muslims here, I think.

    Life goes on and things change.

  13. lol true pakistani peeps are like that! ive bin and thy give me tht dirty eye-look,its like thy are gonna rape me! its like when ur someone new in the bazaar or someone new in the village,thy expect u as a millionaire? u know what i mean!


  14. No, not ever. I love India and Turkey and other such places and i always observe the rules of the country i'm in (just as i expect visitors to my own country to do) I was never questioned about it ever. In fact quite the contrary, especially the women seemed especially welcoming BECAUSE i'd observed the decency rules. I'm Italian/Spanish and not muslim.

  15. It doesnt happen in Karachi..neither in the country i live

    Wearing hijab isnt common in Village, so maybe they found it weird..

  16. I am not a muslim, but I agree with a person who said that in their village they do not cover themselves up totally, and yes many countries or regions follow the main principles of their religion but not totally those of traditions.

    For example, me being a catholic, in Mexico we kneel in certain rituals, but in the USA that is not very common or common at all, especially if that is a white church.  Perhaps it happens in hispanic churches.  Also, women wear some sort of shull or hankerchief in their heads when going to church (in Mexico).  However, that is not common at all in most catholic white churches.  And yes, people will stare at you when you bring a not so common tradition to their community.

  17. I once was. But this is was when I was a Muslim. I don't mean to offend any Muslim here. This is not my intention. But I once visited Iran in my younger days on a family holiday. It was going well until one day me and my sister were looking at some clothes shop and a Iranian women shouted at "Harami!, Harami!" at my sister. So I went up to the woman and try to communicate to her in my simple understanding of the arabic language. And she replied "Your sister is a w***e she is not covered. I kindly told her that was not nice and that she should just go along and Leave me and my sister alone. But she contiously shouted "Harami, Harami!". So I thought I might as well just move along to get away from this annoying and immature person.

    Once again I would like to empahize that I did not mena to Insult any Muslim particularly any form Iran.


  18. Not harasse;

    The Kurdish people back in Kurdistan always stared at me when I went back for vacation; I think it was the way I walked cuz they could tell I was from America and not there.

  19. I've had problems with Pakistanis, too.  I have rarely met a pakistani that covers properly.

    Everyone in Morocco treated me with great respect, both men and women.

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