
Muslims, how did you propose to your wife/husband?

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Marriage that is.




  1. My husband proposed to me twice.  The first time was on the computer.  We had been talking and I was helping him with his English and we were getting to know each other very well.  I had already falled in love with him, but was trying to deny it because I didn't want to be in a relationship.  One day he finally got up the courage to tell me he loved me and asked if I felt any kind of love for him.  I told him I had been in love with him already.  He then just said "will you marry me".  We lived in two different countries and when I went to Morocco last year he took me to this beautiful restaurant in Casablanca that was like a garden inside.  After dinner we were taking a walk, he took out the ring and told me he had finally found the woman he'd been searching for all his life and proposed again.  We were married 7 weeks later.

  2. My fiance had already approached my family and asked for my hand. But soon after, we were at the restaurant we went to on our first date a few years before, he got down on one knee, and proposed.  

  3. my husbands family and mine are friends and my mother in law used to like me a lot so they came and visited us and spoke with my parents and my parents told them that we need to think about it and after a few days my in laws called and we invited them to discuss the details since we found him a suitable suitor

    not a very romantic story but the real romance comes after marriage  

  4. ?

  5. I'm not married yet, but in Pakistani culture here's how it goes:

    Boy's parents go to girls parents and ask for her hand in marriage. Girl's parents ask the girl. She goes to boys parents house with her own parents, and talks to the boy, to find out about his personality. They decide at the end of this meeting. If she doesn't wanna marry the guy, she tells her parents and they turn the 'rishta' (meaning relation but in this context, means marriage proposal in urdu) down

  6. I am not married yet however here is the story of my best friend as she told me in words:

    [He was my colleague at work, he asked me if I mind his visit with his family to our house... (this commonly means they want to propose). I acted as if I don't understand and said "sure but I would like to know what is the purpose of this visit" He replied: "I like you a lot and I want you to be my wife if you don't mind" and he started to explain to me what is his future plans if I agreed and how does he see our life together, also he told me information about himself and his family

    I asked for a chance to think and consult my family, few days later he asked me if I took a decision; I replied that neither me or my parents mind him paying us a visit so both families know each others.

    Few weeks later we got engaged for a couple of month, where planned visits and/or outings were done by the knowledge of my parents so we can get to know each others more before marriage.

    I discovered that we were alike in too many things and I also discovered that I loved him and I never noticed I do because I was treating him as a brother at work. My parents were waiting for my final confirmation which I gave after preying and asking Allah to inspire me the right choice (Salat Istekhara)

    Now we are married for almost a year and half and we LOVE, RESPECT, and APPRECIATE each others a lot]

    This happens in a way in most Egyptian marraiges

  7. arraigned marriages, where the parents go on your behalf, but of course the bride and groom must approve firts.

  8. well it was an aranged marriage!

    didnt even know him

    now i cant imagine my life without him!!!

  9. the Arabs here probably kidnapped her- thats the sunnah of the Arabs

  10. Hey,

    Well the girl that you want to propose to needs to know and she will tell her parents. You come with your mother or father and ask for her hand in marriage. As simple as this, but it depends on your culture too.

    P.S Why would you want to propose to your wife...or do you mean future wife.

    Good luck:)

  11. We do not propose.

    Parents of the couple meet each other, discuss and selects the best life partners who would stay faithful to each other for their entire lives unlike in the Western cultures where the boy meets girls and they propose to each other even at a tender age without knowing the consequences of a married life and committing to person for life.  

  12. like anyone else.

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