
Muslims, in islam do it have people who can like...

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see into the future and tell u those thing or those kinda things dont exist

i have heard lots of stories of ppl seein things in other religion so i was just wondering

thank you :-)




  1. It is haram(forbidden) to see into the future becuase Only ALLAH holds the future.

    These people that see into the future are working with the Jinn(satans) which is Haram.

  2. no fortune telling in Islam.

    just work and logic.

  3. This clairvoyance is not typical to Islam. The religion insists that ghaib (knowledge of unseen) is with Allah alone. But his kindness may shine on some one he bestows with this knowledge in small measure

  4. there are, allah does give them that gift, but they are not supposed to use it, and you are not to go to them, cause if you go, and they tell you, and it actually happens, you cannot stop yourself to going back, knowing that that person was right.

  5. No if I remember the Quran condemns Magicians and Fortune-Tellers.

  6. irregardless of whether they exist, to seek such people and their advice is absolutely haram in Islam.  Allah swt says: Allah says: 'And indeed they knew that the buyers of it (magic) would have no

    share in the Hereafter. And how bad indeed was that for which they sold their own selves, if they but knew.' [The Qur'an 2:102]  And the prophet saws said: 'Avoid seven most dangerous things.' The Companions asked: 'O Messenger of Allah! What are these things' He sawsanswered: 'Making anyone or any thing a partner of Allah; practicing magic; killing a living being whose life has been declared sacred by Allah without justification; practicing usury; misappropriating the property of an orphan; running away from the infidels in a battle; and slandering chaste, innocent, believing women.' (Bukhari and Muslim)

  7. Yahya related to me from Malik from Ibn Shihab from Abu Bakr ibn Abd ar-Rahman ibn al-Harith ibn Hisham from Abu Masud al-Ansari that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, forbade the sale price of a dog, the earnings of a prostitute and the earnings of a fortune teller.

    By the earnings of a prostitute he meant what a woman was given for fornication. The earnings of a fortune teller were what he was given to tell a fortune.

    Malik said, "I disapprove of the price of a dog, whether it is a hunting dog or otherwise because the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, forbade the price of a dog."

  8. That would take a person out of Islaam.  

  9. اليصيرة تبنى على العلاقة مع رب العزة

    VISION comes from strong relation with Allah swt

    Abu Baker & Omar raa both had it. so is many after

  10. no one know the future except 4 Allah

  11. Those people dont exist. Those work for the shaytan. Its haram to go to them. Prophet Muhammad pbuh said: if u go to a person who claims to know the future.....your prayer wont be valid for 40 nights.

    Going to a fortune teller is considered shirk, coz u r believing in things that person is telling u.  

  12. no buddy

    no concept of it in lahore

    bless u

  13. It isn't that common

    Oh, and I just try and pray to God for good things to come to my future.

    Can you all please help me with my question?;...

  14. I've heard of psychic Muslims. They do exist.  

  15. I don't think so. people can tell you the future they use Jinns to find out (My uncle did it...and it was actually true) but i'm sure that it's haram.

    The only way you can see things of the future yourself is in dreams if you are given a sign, still this is not so clear, it's just a sign /symbol to something.

  16. Fortune telling, horosocpes, astrology etc etc all these are haram and forbidden in Islam ~!

  17. they do not exist don't listen to the avatar with the veil and glasses she lies. the other one with the veil is on the right track.

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