
Muslims, is it ok for me to go to the senior prom at my high school?

by  |  earlier

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Just to hang out with friends because I don't wanna be the only one to miss it?

Consider this as well: there will be no alcohol, s*x, or stuff like that. Its a school sponsored event.

Don't say "no, because it'll lead to this, and it'll lead to that" I'm smarter than that.





  1. My friend, you are asking very elementary things. Just go. Don't bother yourself with such petty things.

    As long as you don't get into sin, there is no problem. The moment you feel that the pressures within and outside will overwhelm you (in case you are caught in a situation of Alcohol, Intoxicants, s*x etc.) ,then you should do everything to try to get out. Otherwise, don't even bother asking.

  2. Chi Chi HARAM HARAM.

    No going to prom, that's HARAM!

  3. Sorry for your dioppointment but I agree with Heba.


    I didn't understand and I went there(full Muslim covering).

    If you are not practicing Muslim so OK for you to go but I'd rather don't go cause you are made in pairs with girls that wear reaveling dresses, I don't think that kind of place is for Muslims.

    Remember that in the Doom'sn day you are The only one who is asked about your deeds!

    Lykke til!

    THERE IS AN OPTION: if you think you are smart and strong enough to stop yourself glaring at girls, or denying to dance. So there is no obligation in going there.

  4. yes you can go but its what you do there. May Allah (Swt) look after you in it. Amin


  5. you should go, i mean it's at night so there's no problem

  6. ok well.....why is everyone telling you that guys can go but girls cant??.....because i think its even worse for guys to go to a place where there are girls half naked and music with dancing.....hmmm??......i mean think about it....girls wear super revealing dresses.....dancing like S**t..........

    if guys can go....then i believe girls can definately go because girls are better then guys at controlling the temptation....n i am sure girls are so not gonna look at other girls that are half naked.....

    c'mon now.....

    so to answer your cant go brother......girls n guys both cant** go to a place like prom

    @ Adnan Khalil

    if i were to attend a prom.....would i be checking girls out?.....umm!!

    girls usually wear revealing dresses at places like i dont think muslim brothers should attend a place like this......

    in my opinion...neither should go.....but since everybody above said that guys can go but girls i had to point it out that if guys can go...then girls can 'definately' go because proms are for sure more tempting for guys as compared to girls....


    No, that is not the why i never went to one....

    i did not go because its a place where shaytaan is present .....and a muslim should not associate with a place where there is so much dirt and haraam going on....

    to the asker: i dont think there was a reason for you to ask this question because you have already made you mind up go ahead


    i did not go to the prom but i have seen pictures and videos from my friends that went to one


    what is the point of asking them to stop when they know its wrong?...most of my girls friends dont cover ......does it mean that they dont know hijaab is compulsary?....they do...they just choose to disobey how can i stop islam muslims are suppose to stop their buddies from wrong by acknowledging them that what they are doing is wrong and Allah will not be pleased with their actions.....but what is there to tell them when they already know whats right n what is not....they just choose to disobey Allah

    and by friends i meant people that i speak to......

    and do you know what 'harami' means?.......'illegitimate child'... know are speaking out of hate and arrogance at the moment.......hate for islam and hate for i cut this conversation off right here right now.....good day

  7. yep, definitely

    get out there and enjoy life

    i'm sure your god won't condemn you to h**l for enjoying yourself

  8. are you a guy.. then yes

    woman.. i highly consider you don't

  9. Many people here are saying if your a guy you can and if your a girl you can't. I think that if you said so yourself you won't do anything haram than why not. Just go and hang out with your friends. No need for a girl or a boy depending on your gender. I think if you say your responsible enoguht you won't do anything against Allah. After all you said there will be no alcohol, s*x, etc. So go out and knock your self out!  

  10. Well if your being honest then why worry what others think?

    Heba- Girls are better than guys at controlling temptation?

    And how did you arrive at that conclusion.

    Would your opinion be the same if you were a guy?

    Heba- Just because you never went all Muslim should not?

    What makes you think all Muslim will give into temptation. Have you ever had a crush? If yes then going by your own logic I will recommend you stay well of any Males who are not related to you.

    Heba- Of course you would not be checking girls out but is that the reason you never went? Or is it because boys might tempt you?

    Heba- Did you go to a prom? No. So how do you know what goes on? Do you just base your information on Proms on tv?

    Heba- Why didn't you tell your friends that they are going to a place where Shaytan tempts them? Some friend you are.

    Heba- Look like you friends are Haramis? correct me if I am wrong.

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