
Muslims, what can you tell me about the 2 moons on August 27?

by Guest57959  |  earlier

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My friend is telling me that it is one of the small signs for judgement day? and that mars is changing its direction?

any scientific facts and quran facts?

or things you've heard about it?




  1. The sun will rise from the west

    Read more here

    Please bear in mind, don't always believe what people say..

    edit: yep, i sometimes use(Wikipedia)  for reference too! :)

  2. There is only one moon. Mars is a planet not a moon. So much for Koranic facts.

    Actually the main supposed sign of judgment is that the sun rises anti clockwise.

    Smart? My two year old cousins knows there is only one moon.

  3. the thing is that both the moon and mars would appear together and its not judgement day becoz we never know when judgetment day will come only Allah knows

  4. yah think so Adnan is saying right

  5. according to the qur'an the moon already split in the past which yes is one of the signs of Qayamat... but mars is not a moon and the earth has only one moon are you sure this isn't some other kind of eclipse happening???

    adnan is right the biggest sign for qayamat is that the sun is going to rise in the west and in islam it will be on a friday no one knows when it's going to be only allah (stw)

  6. yes, as far as I guess, it is the sign of Imam Mahdi's birth...

  7. I'm not sure what planet you live on. But here on Earth we have only one moon. So two moons on the planet Earth is just not possible !i

  8. Internet and gossip hoax.

    And here is another source.

    Two Moons on August 27

    According to the latest version of an email rumor circulating since 2003, August 27 will bring the closest 'encounter' between Mars and Earth in recorded history, and it will look as if there are two moons in the night sky.

    Description: Email rumor / Hoax

    Circulating since: 2006

    Status: False

  9. yes apparantley this is true :) ther are rumours saying that these 2 moons are signs of "judgement day" ,,,,,,,,i did some reasearch in these 2 moons and i have found out tht these do happen ,but every 300 years only! yes every 300 years, so its something diffrent !  

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