
Muslims, what do you mean by such kind of fasting during Ramadan?

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I love Muslims and I have nothing against them at all. But, I am observing the way they fast during their holy month of Ramadan. They don't eat or drink from Sunrise to Sunset. They have fixed time to start fasting and also to end it. Exactly as it ends, their food is ready there and they attack it like a Lion jumping on a fat stag. It is just a beginning. They continue to eat the whole night which ends with a heavy intake at 4.00 AM. It is reported that in Gulf countries, food consumption is much more during the month of Ramadan as compared to other months of the year. Not only do they eat more during Ramadan, but they eat highly rich food. They eat a highly composite food in excessive quantity. Is this month made in order to eat more and make you more healthy? In Christianity, fasting is to enhance one's spirituality and during fasting they do not eat rich food. They eat only once in a day, a single night meal and in most cases, they do not eat at all for days long. What do you think?




  1. What you have just said is because you have seen a small portion of people fasting. The main reason of Ramadan is to be aware from condition of poor people who remain hungry all the year (they have lesser food available because they can not afford to buy) because they can not afford to have food. I have not seen any muslim which would match your description but still i will not deny it because there are different people in different societies.

    Always study the reason of something in a religion rather than seeing their followers from baised point of view.

  2. In the Name of Allah

    come on brother, Islam didn't ask us to eat unhealthy rich foods during Ramadan, this is just one bad tradition people are used to do and not imposed by religion. actually, fasting Ramadan is intended for many reasons:

    1- health benefits:

    The process of decomposing and eliminating waste toxic materials by means of Islamic fasting can improve or even cure the above mentioned diseases and other ones such as : cardiovascular and circulatory diseases, diseases of digestive system, diseases of the locomotor system including rheumatism, respiratory system diseases including asthma, and the early stage of malignant diseases like cancer.

    1-All mucus diseases such as colds, flu, asthma, hay fever, sinus and bronchial troubles are rapidly dissolved and

    eliminated from the body, leaving the user free from the varied allergies which cause difficult breathing and clogging of the sinus cavities…. I.E: My aunty used to be a patient that suffered from a severe asthma for 2 decades or 3. When she was over 50 she decided to observe the sunna fasting (every Monday and Thursday). As a result, she was thoroughly cured after a period of time.

    2-The types of diseases that are a result of calcium deposits in the joints, muscles, cells, and glands are readily

    dissolved and removed from the body. Cholesterol deposits in the arteries and veins also respond to the cleansing power of fasting (p13).

    3-Fasting can be used to normalize our weight. As our common sense says, weight reduction is achieved by fasting, along with other health benefits. There are many diet programs using an unbalanced diet that can be dangerous for our health. Fasting is a natural way to normalize our body weight.

    4-Fasting dissolves all unnecessary and unnatural fat deposits all over the body and the body is relieved of a

    tremendous burden.

    5-When we fast for a few days, the stomach shrinks to its normal size and the hungry feeling gradually fades

    away. When we go back to the normal diet, we won’t have exaggerated hunger and won’t overeat (Bragg & Bragg, 1999).

    6-Surprisingly enough, fasting programs can be used for underweight people who cannot gain weight even if they stuff themselves with many fattening foods. The cause of both overweight and underweight is a nutritionally unbalanced diet. “People are not nourished in proportion to amount of food they eat, but in proportion to how much they digest and assimilate” (Bragg & Bragg, 1999, p120). Thus what underweight people need is exactly what overweight people need revitalizing the digestive and assimilative systems to work efficiently.

    7-As metabolism is improved through fasting, the body recuperates the capability to assimilate proteins, fats, carbohydrates, starches, sugars, minerals, vitamins and all other essential nutrients necessary because all organs work properly after fasting.

    8-The human body uses the skin as a secondary eliminative organ. Because conditions such as boils, abscesses, carbuncles, and pimples are the body’s effort to eliminate poisons, skin problems also disappear as the rest of the body is cleansed (Burroughs, 1976).

    9-The stomach, intestines and colon are given a complete rest by the fast and are enabled to repair damaged structures. Piles, proctitis, colitis, appendicitis, enteritis, enteric fever (typhoid), gastritis, etc., speedily recover under the fast. The alimentary tract becomes practically free of bacteria during a fast. The small intestines become sterile.

    10- It renew cells, in other words, those who fast look younger than those who don’t. Amazingly, when someone looks at the face of a 40-year-old Muslim woman who reared eight children, they might think she is under 30.

    Obviously, this is due mainly to fasting.

    Finally, fasting can help people to break addictions to harmful substances: tobacco, drugs, alcohol, tea, coffee, and other habit-forming beverages. Fasting leads our body to get rid of stored poisons, including addictive substances, and we lose our craving and tolerance for them. Thus after fasting we will feel nausea or sometimes have attacks of vomiting, “nature’s purge” if taking addictive substances. :strong:

    people misunderstand the idea of Ramadan and have bad eating program after sunset.. that's people's fault and not Islam's.. ok?

    Our great prophet (May Allah bless him and grant him peace), said " Fast to be healthy ",

    All studeis prove that fasting program during 30 days is the best and it helps treat many illnesses as i said above..

    “O you who believe fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you so that you can learn Taqwa” (Quran). For much of human history, fasting has been guided by intuition and spiritual purpose. Today, the understanding of human physiology confirms the powerful healing effects of fasting.

    Besides nurturing resistance and ability to face hardships and endurance, fasting reflects on outward physical appearance by cutting out gluttony and get

  3. ramadan is the month in which quran was revealed to  our prophet... and it is a month of extreme worship and Fasting is a part of it.....we are told to fast from sunrise to sunset....

    -it improves our control

    -it improves our faith

    -it makes us feel like poor people who starve like this throughout the year.

    THOSE who say that its a show off, than go and try it once...and perform all your daily routines at the same time

  4. the things u told are the traditions and not the part of religion. in real God ask to eat less in this month to realize of poor people who dont eat at all.

  5. im a muslim, and we fast this month so that we feel how the poor feel..and about the highly rich food we east that all because we are breaking our fast and we like wanna enjoy something nice in our yeah..and at the same time..its like were eating rich food so that we can feel how the poor feel after they find food to eat..when its sunset we are actually really happy to eat

  6. apart from what has been said already by the Muslims here

    I want to add that the reason there may be more food consumption is that it is also a month of providing and giving to those who cant afford things ...

    so they will cook for neighbours and friends after fast

  7. They don't eat all night. If they did, there would be no reason to eat in the morning. They eat richer food so that it lasts them throughout the day, not exactly a strange concept there.

    Oh my lack of a god. Would you please stop preaching to everyone about Christianity, especially when you obviously know so little about other religions? What the h**l do you think they are fasting for during Ramadan? It sure as h**l isn't for fun.

  8. It's cultural when people stuff their faces after Iftar. It isn't religious. I personally eat just enough to give me sustanance after the fast, well considering I am the only Muslim in my family, I cannot expect a feast, I make do with what I have. I just think that fasting isn't fasting if you forget the purpose and start eating until you pop.

    And also, we eat twice, once after sun down and one before sun rise. We eat just as normal, except in the day when you are eating your breakfast, lunch.... We change these meals to the night, whilst you are sleeping. The benefits of fasting are very clear, healthwise, but this is not the purpose of the fast, not to lose weight or eat healthy but a command from God and a reminder of the fact that this world is not temporary and to help us feel compassion for the starving. Fasting is not just about stopping food,  their is no arguing, fighting, swearing, rudeness. It's about worship and submittance and being compassionate. We give a lot of charity in this month and try our best to enjoin in good and forbid evil.

    The purpose of this month, is far more than fasting from food.

  9. The fasting during Ramadam is supposed to help a Muslim practise self-sacrifice in order to empathise with the less fortunate and direct one's attention away from worldly distractions. At the end of the day, they are required to eat to symbolise the breaking of the fast. Highly "rich food" (that is, high in sugar or carbohydrate content) is the most essential ingredient in the human diet because it gives you the energy you need to function. So when people don't eat anything for the whole day, at the end of it they're craving something rich--and indeed, they need it as "fat" is what is needed for energy. Without it, you're more prone to nauseating fatigue, weight loss, weakness, etcetera.

    Studies show that most Muslims gain weight during Ramadam--that's because they eat at night, and then go to sleep, without burning off the fat they've just consumed as a non-fasting body would do during one's activity during the day.

    I have any idea what the 4am thing is. I've stayed with a couple of Muslim families during Ramadam and I don't recall any of them getting up to rummage in the fridge at that time.

  10. I agree with you  Islam Ramadan  is not fasting  but a show  of it and then  a party at night  didn't God  condemn those who pretended to fast in the Torah  and Islam has made it far worse.

    the bible says  do not make a show  of fasting  but Muslims  do make a biog  show of it in the day  when at night they  pig out  so are not even hungry during the Day  it is not a sacrifice  but an excuse to party.

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