
Muslims? 72 virg......ins?

by  |  earlier

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I have 2 question for you.

And I'm asking seriously so please answer seriously.

1. What do the women who blow up get? do they get male virgins? or do they get to be one of the 72 virgins for one of the make shahids?

2. Isn't heaven a spiritual place?

Heaven is not a physical place that's for sure.

You will not be hungry or tired and you will not have the need for seks{I know I know lol, just being cautious (not that I won't get reported anyways)}

So how does this go along with the idea of 72 virgins in 72 rooms in 72 apartment in 72 building(you get my point)





  1. what's this 72 means? from where u got this ?

  2. Actually the 72 virgins "rule" has been greatly misconstrued and misinterpreted.

    Muslim men who blow themselves up dont go to heaven.. they go to h**l...

    Same as Muslim women who decide to blow themselves up.

    Suicide is forbidden in Islam... terrorism is forbidden in Islam... Murder is forbidden in Islam...

    If you want more information I would suggest going to a more reliable source, such as your local Mosque.. cause trust me.. all you will get from Yahoo! Answers is a bunch of people putting Islam down...As you might have already seen from the quality responses below.

    Or if you want more information, I suggest a trustworthy website or book.

    Peace and Love.


  3. Heaven is a spiritual place not a phyichal place. In heaven you have no pychical body.

  4. They have a different view of heaven then Christians.

    Not that I agree with it jeez thumb me down like crazy.

  5. Sorry Mighty One, but I have to disagree with you this time.

    Even if the lies made out of this were true,  it is a wrong assumption to think the Virgins would not remain so.

    This is an obscure religious symbolic text that has been twisted to mean something different.  It is out of context here.

    Some believe it is something special for suicide bombers who they call martyrs.

    A martyr does not kill themselves or any one else.  They are killed for their beliefs by non-believers be it religion or politics.

    I personally can't be interested in what some fool wants for his eternity.  None of us are guaranteed one.

    I do respect that someone honors God whether they are , in my mind, right or not.

    If we are going to take pot shots at each others religion we won't get anywhere.

    Lord knows mine gets plenty.

    This is long past being an religious issue and even past sane politics, it's already been negotiated for years.

    This is about an evil dictatorship in the making.  Another badly run Arab state, is just what the world needs.  Hamas is the enemy.  Not the Arab religious.

  6. It is all a fantasy and a sick twisted method to control the population to get them to doing the horrible deeds of the one in charge.

  7. That's a very unpleasant and immature question my dear.

    Virgin in Islam is a metaphor. It means an "unspoiled" or clean or unbiased sister soul.

    It has nothing to do with s*x or anything.

    No wonder why the jews continue to read the Talmud that speaks only of financial or monetary dealings and land arrangements, the cure of deceases and other non-religious aspects of everyday life.

    You have a long way to go my dear in order to understand the true meaning of religion. Any religion.


  8. This is good question.  Much has been said about the males getting black eyed virgins but nothing about what happens with the women martyrs what they get.  

    This clip explains some of martyrdom:

    Father of Palestinian Suicide Bomber to Hamas TV: My Son Refused to Abort the Operation, Saying He Saw the Black-Eyed Virgins of Paradise on the Hood of His Car ...03/06/2007

    My answer is:  they get to be virgins again?

    And my belief is that yes, Heaven is a spiritual place.

  9. 1.  Yeah, those who commit suicide will not be going to heaven.  Suicide is a sin in Islam.

    2.  Just because heaven is a spiritual place, doesn't mean you can't enjoy yourself.  People don't eat JUST because they're hungry.  Food is an enjoyable experience, just like s*x.

  10. Its  all bullshit for whoever is gullable!

  11. This question has no relation to travel

    No relation to Israel

    No relation to ME politics

    No relation to reality

    And moreover

    No relation to Islam

    Unless  fighting Islam is part of the Israeli culture these days

    These are Persian myth like those Jewish ones of splitting the sea and climbing the mountain to be nearer to heavens and talk to G-d.


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