
Muslims And President Bush?

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Iv'e noticed that many users on Yahoo Answers, especially Muslims hate President Bush and think America is the "big bad wolf".

Why do you guys think that? Do you not realize that Saddam Hussein was a tyrant who mass murdered many s**+'a Muslims. He also invaded a peaceful Muslim nation (Kuwait). I know many Iraqi's who are grateful and thankful for what America has done and they feel they have more freedom now then ever before.

So, why do you guys hate him so much, after all he's human and not GOD so he can't make perfect decsions.




  1. there aren't too many Americans who like Bu$h, either.

    But bullaboy has the classic attitude that so many Americans dislike- the muslim hatred towards Israel.

    The Palestinians would get their homeland, and have Israel cease defending itself- once the Palestinian terrorists have chosen to stop attacking it.

  2. ___________________________

    lol dude ur opening a wormhole ill tell you that

    i know muslims that can go on for days on this topic

    but heres some key point

    1) US has been top contributor in israel military funding... israel has taken over palestine and is relentlessly slaughtering palestinians (this is another discussion btw)  therefore muslims feel bush is helping in the death of other muslims

    2) places like afghanistan, Bush has entered on the ground of national security, but in the 90's was there to fight the cold war, and has left afghanistan in rubble because of it

    3) and if you believe the whole 9/11 fake scheme then anyone can hate bush

    but those are the basics

  3. You still believing that America attacked Iraq for piece ??

    No never That war for OIL......   If the oil of Iraq finished they will try to attack Iran......

    Who appointed America to interfear another countries things ???

    Good morning Sir....... wake up's morning now

  4. I'm not muslim nor do I hate our president.  

    I'm not saying he's perfect in any way and yes he's made mistakes as he goes, but being American, no matter how bad it is I will never bad mouth my country nor my president.

  5. Well...I dont like Bush too!

    I'm gonna serve him in the Army anyway.

    He's throwin us in wars and stuff!

    And no, I dont believe the Iraq war is justified!

    That was Iraqi business, why do we have to interfere?

    I strongly support the war in Afghanistan, that has a strong purpose, which I myself, am hoping to be deployed there!

  6. Saddam Hussien was a threat to mankind, not just Shia. He was a threat to anyone who wasn't in support of him.

    I don't hate Bush. I try not to think about him. The difference was, he just sees Muslim, not Sunni or Shia, so he kills anyone. He aided Saddam and when he was done helping him destroy people, he disposed of him.

    They're both as bad as eachother.

    And FYI, not just Muslims dislike Bush, I think Americans hate him more.

  7. you do realize of course that the hatred of Bush (by Muslims and non-Muslims alike) is not based solely on the Iraq war.  For me personally I despise his arrogant and holier than though attitude.  And my dislike of the Iraqi invasion has more to do with the fact that he completely lied to justify it and continued to lie even after overwhelming evidence was found that showed he was lying.  Saddam was a tyrant and a murderer, there is no denying that.  But it is not up to the US or any other country to unilaterally decide that they are going to go in and dictate change.  And lets not forget.  The war machine already has its eyes set on Iran and if US resources where not spread too thin between Iraq & Afghanistan there very well could be some kind of operation underway against Iran.  McCain has already spoken of a possible attack against Iran if he becomes president.  I wonder if you would feel the same then??

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