
Muslims... Could you answer this about your faith plz?

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Is there a devil figure in the Islamic faith? 'Satan', the rebel angel, is popularly characterised as the devil figure in Christianity. Is there a devil in Islam? If so, how did he become the 'devil'?




  1. Devil is a close friend of Osama Bin Laden, I believe.

    yeah - WHATEVER!!!

    BOOT ME!!!

  2. Catnip you are incorrect, as I am white and Muslim, imagine what else you are wrong about !  Yes there is a devil, iblis

  3. To mulsims "white people are the devil".

    sophie-ann:  I am just repeating what I was told by a muslim woman.  She said that it is in the koran.

  4. In Islam, the personal name of the Devil. Iblis, one of God's angels, refused to venerate Adam at creation. He and his followers were thrown down from heaven and await punishment at the Last Judgment. Until then he is allowed to tempt everyone but true believers to do evil. Referred to as Shaytan (Satan) in this context, it was he who purportedly tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and caused the Fall. Iblis has long been a figure of speculation among Muslim scholars because of his ambiguous identification in the Qur'an as either an angel or a jinni.

    For more information on Iblis, visit

  5. According to Islam, when God first created the devil, he was in heaven with the angels, but when god created the first human; Adam, and he ordered the angels and devils to bow to him, the devils refused because they thought they were too good to bow to a creature made of mud while they are made of fire, so, God sent them down the seventh earth. Now devils are trying to make humans disobey God out of revenge.

  6. well done to all the people who have answered correclty and r not muslims. very well done from me

  7. Yes

    His name is Iblis

  8. Iblis was not an angel, he was a Jinn. He was thrown out of God's presence when he refused to bow to man when God commanded him to. He took man in contempt and himself as superior.

    So, God threw him out. He begged for respite from punishment until the Day of Resurrection and was granted it. In the meantime, he swore to do anything and everything to lead mankind away from the truth of God and His law.

    God agreed and responded saying that any who listened to Iblis' suggestions and rejected the truth of His law would join him in his punishment.

    That's pretty much it. Jinns are not angels, as they have free will and can have rebellious or virtuous natures, like mankind.

    About the literal nature of Jinns, there are different opinions. I don't bother with it much, because whether they are literal or only suggestions to rejection, the result for human beings is the same. They have no authority over men, only the ability to suggest.

    Angels don't step outside their commands.

    Shaytaan (Arabic) = Satan (Hebrew) = Adversary (English)

  9. I aint muslim but can answer this

    yes there is a muslim devil i dont know his name but his face was clearly seen in the smoke when the planes hit the towers on sept 11th

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