
Muslims- Do you believe in this verse from Quran?

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Quran: 3:61] If anyone argues with you, despite the knowledge you have received, then say, "Let us summon our children and your children, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves, then let us invoke GOD's curse upon the liars."

Who were included in this verse?

Only a truthful can invoke curse of Allah on a liar.

Allah's declared Truthful is truthful forever.




  1. Assalamo alaikum!

    This verse is in regards to prayer duels when one seeks to find who is the spread of false beliefs.  An instance in the Prophet (saw)'s life was that a Christian deputation from Najran, of about 60 people, was headed by their chief, Abdul Masih or Al-Aqib.  They met the Prophet (saw) in his Mosque and the discussion on the doctrine of Jesus' divinity of Jesus continued at some length.  When the question had been fully discussed and the members of the deputation were found to be still insisting on their false doctrine, the Holy Prophet (saw), in obedience to the divine command of this verse, invited them as a last resort to join him in a sort of prayer-contest known as a mubailah, i.e invoking the curse of God on the holders of false beliefs.  As, however, the Christians did not appear to be sure of their ground, they declined to accept the challenge, thus indirectly admitting the falsity of their doctrine.  On this occasion, the Prophet brough out Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Husain, Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and others in the field and is reported to have said: "If the Christians have accepted the challenge of mubailah and agreed to pray to God to send His punishment on the lying party, God would have surely destroyed the liars before a year had passed" (Bukhari, Muslim, and Tirmidhi).

    When all methods of settlement have failed, then the parties approach Allah to decide between them according to His eternal scheme of helping the righteous and destroying the wicked.  This is not a form of abuse, but an earnest prayer to Allah to uphold the truth and destroy falsehood.  Thus, this is a very serious affair and is only done in rare instances.  


    Muslim who believes in the Mahdi

  2. Mohammed consumated his marriage with a nine year old girl.

  3. Dear,

    Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahhi Wabarakatuh.

    In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

    l'm a Muslim. l have had submitted myself to Allah is the FAITH of which Muhammad is my Prophet.

    Of course l absolutely believes these verse are from Al-Qur'an. These verse are from Surah 3:61 . "Al-Imran" - THE IMRANS.


    In the year of Deputation, 10th of the Hijra, came a Christian embassy from Najran (towards Yaman, about 150 miles north of Sana'a). They were very much impressed on hearing this passage of the Al-Qur'an explaining the true position of Christ, and they entered into tributary relation with the new Muslim State. But ingrained habits and customs prevented them from accepting Islam as a body. The Holy Apostle, firm in his faith, proposed a [Mubahala] i.e. solemn meeting, in which both sides should summon not only their men, but their women and children, earnestly pray  to God, and invoke the curse of God on those who should lie. Those who had a pure and sincere faith would not hesitate. The Christan DECLINED, and they were dismissed in a spirit of tolerance, with a promise of protection from the State in return for TRIBUTE, "The wage of rule" as it called in the [Ain-i-Akbari].

    l hope these explanation satisfied you base on the Verse Surah 61 Al-Imran.

    Wabillahhitaufiq Walhidayah Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahhi Wabarakatuh.

  4. My dear friend salam for you .Yes I do believe in the 3:61 verse and all verses in the Qur'an are given by Allah to Muhammad pbuh and all verses are true.

    In 3:59 Allah has given knowledge to Muhammad pbuh  that the creation of Isa just like the creation of Adam.Allah created

    Adam from soil (clay) and then Allah says please occured and it was happened. In 3:60 Allah spoke that what have been talked  to Muhammad pbuh are true and come from Allah  that is why you(Muhammad) should not be included in the group who have doubt.In 3:61 Allah spoke that anyone who argues with you (Muhammad pbuh) after the knowledge you have received,then say to them(non muslim believers).:Let us summon our children (Muham

    mad's followers'children) and your children (children of jews,christians and infidels),our women (muslimahs) and your women(non muslim women),ourselves (muhammad and his followers) and yourselves (non muslim believers),then let us invoke (make a prayer or dua)Allah will curse upon the liars.The unbelievers with their women and children in this case were affraid and they did not want to accept the Muhammad's challenge.

  5. Of course I believe it. It's in the Qu'ran and I believe it's words.

  6. yes

  7. If a Muslim doesn't believe  any Ayah of Quran, he is no longer a Muslim  unless he repents to Allah and asks for His forgiveness and guidance.

    KeepinIt...    has explained the incident  every well   when and under what circumstances Allah revealed this Ayah.

  8. Yes Alhamdolillah! It's about the five personalities namely Muhammad, Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussein.

    @ green eyes..the Truth is ofcourse comin from Allah alone that These Five Heavenly Personalities are on Siratul Mustaqeem, thas why Allah said to obey Him and His Messenger before and after this verse, which u urself proved

  9. why don't you read the previous 3:60 and next verse 3:62. It reads;


    The Truth (comes)

    From Allah alone

    So be not those

    Who doubt


    This is the true account

    There is no god

    Except Allah

    And Allah -  He is indeed

    The Exalted in Power

    The Wise

    These verses deals with spiritual truths that there is only one God, and is directed at the Jews and Christians, for them to come together with the Muslims and curse those who say Allah have partners.

    I wish when people spew out verses they give the context and the proper meaning of the verses, if only

  10. I'm not really sure of ure question. I believe in all of Allah's Words.

    Peace for all!

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