
Muslims- Do you know that Curser of Sahhabas is still a Muslim but curser of Ali (as) is not a Muslim?

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Hadhrat Umar Ibne Abdul Aziz

One of his representatives from Kufa wrote him:

"Please advise me about a person, who abused Umar bin Al-Khattab. Should I kill him?"

He replied him:

"It is not allowed to kill any person due to abusing any muslim, except in case of abusing Rasool Allah (s). Thus, if anyone abuses Nabi (s), then his blood is Mubah".

1. Al-Shifa Ba-Tarif Haqooq Mustafaa, vol. 2, page 325, published in Baraili.

2. Slalah al-Risalah Mulla Ali Qari, page 18, published in Jordan

3. Al-Tabaqaatul Kubraa, vol. 5, page 369, published in Bairut.

The Holy Prophet said: "He who uttered a curse against Ali uttered it against me." This was reported by Umm Salmah and has been recorded by Hakim in Mustadrak, vol. 3, p. 121; he has admitted it to be genuine according to the standards set by Bukhari and Muslim. Dhahabi has recorded it in his Talkhis and confessed it to be genuin




  1. «علی مع الحق و الحق مع العلی یا علی انت صراط المستقیم :یا علی انت سید فی الدنیا؛ سید فی الاخره ؛ حبیبک حبیبی حبیب الله

    لا فتاح الا علی لا صیف الا ذوالفقار

    There is no man Like Ali And there is no Sword Like Zulfiqar.

    Ali (as) Is the only sahabe Who Saved islam After Muhammad (saww)

    And he is wasi of holly prophet muhammad.

    He was not like others.

  2. LOL this is the most stupid thing i ever heard !!

    Ali(Ra) is Sahaba so who curse him is the same who curse any other sahabi !

    who curse any of sahaba is NOT MUSLIM!

    i don't have the time to go and copy one of Abul Haarith answers which brought that the prophet said any one isnult the sahaba or curse them is Zandiq and not Muslims


    later if he didn't answer you question i will copy the answer

    so nice pathetic try Raafidhi shia !!

    and again who insult Any of Sahaba's

    Abu Baker(Ra) or Omar(Ra) or Uthman(Ra) or Ali(Ra)

    or Muwaiyah(Ra) or amr bin Al As(Rs)  etc

    is not Muslim !

  3. I think what ur saying sir is a Bida'h.

    All bid'ahs will lead its followers to fire.

  4. Shias believes in ,just "pick & choose",

    Haven't u find hadiths which says that cursing any sahabi is not allowed..?

    I do not know the exact words of the hadith thats why i am not posting .

    Why u just pick & choose and derive ruling

    ur just messing it up.

  5. this is according to the shiaism religion not Islam

    according to Deen ALLAH , u r not a muslim if u curse Sahabah including Ali(ra) coz he is Sahabi Jaleel

    قال : الطبراني عن ابن عباس رضى الله عنه " من سب اصحابي فعليه لعنة الله والملائكة والناس اجمعين " .

    وقال -صلى الله عليه وسلم-:  ÃƒÂ™Ã‚…ن سب أصحابي فعليه لعنة الله ولعنة اللاعنين والملائكة والناس أجمعين

    anyone curse Sahabah is "zindeeq" like u

  6. Yeah for sure

    قال رسول الله صلی الله وعلیه و آله وسلم

    «علی مع الحق و الحق مع العلی

    یا علی انت صراط المستقیم

    :یا علی انت سید فی الدنیا؛ سید فی الاخره ؛ حبیبک حبیبی حبیب الله و عدوک عدوی

  7. What you are saying doesn't make sense because Ali a.s was a Sahaba too. But I agree cursing the Sahaba doesn't make you a non Muslim but cursing Ali a.s will m make you a non Muslim is some way or another. He is the greatest amongest all the Sahaba.


  8. yup

  9. Who curses Ali anyway?

    Anyway cursing Sahaba is a big sin as described in the Koran.

  10. no, but i know by experience that you didnt go to school yet as everybody suggested.

  11. ya i heard of what we said and i totally agree with u but i would actually curse anyone cuz well i don't want to even if amer and what ever the other guys names r did this it's not for me to judge i will keep this up to allah hes the one who will show and them and curse then but to be honest with u i do it sometimes especially in ashore cuz it really hurts me of what the did  

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