Hadhrat Umar Ibne Abdul Aziz
One of his representatives from Kufa wrote him:
"Please advise me about a person, who abused Umar bin Al-Khattab. Should I kill him?"
He replied him:
"It is not allowed to kill any person due to abusing any muslim, except in case of abusing Rasool Allah (s). Thus, if anyone abuses Nabi (s), then his blood is Mubah".
1. Al-Shifa Ba-Tarif Haqooq Mustafaa, vol. 2, page 325, published in Baraili.
2. Slalah al-Risalah Mulla Ali Qari, page 18, published in Jordan
3. Al-Tabaqaatul Kubraa, vol. 5, page 369, published in Bairut.
The Holy Prophet said: "He who uttered a curse against Ali uttered it against me." This was reported by Umm Salmah and has been recorded by Hakim in Mustadrak, vol. 3, p. 121; he has admitted it to be genuine according to the standards set by Bukhari and Muslim. Dhahabi has recorded it in his Talkhis and confessed it to be genuin