
Muslims:: How should I do this? ?

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I found out a co-worker has brain cancer and I want to donate some money anonymously. Should I write him a prayer or just donate the money? How would you go about this??




  1. you need to do both..

  2. send a letter of money. and put it in his Mailbox.

    you dont have to write him a prayer, you can just ask God to heal him. and inshallah he'll be ok

  3. If I were you I would be praying for him to get better inshallah and also donate the money. You could just tell somebody you know to give it to him for you if you don't want that person to know it was you. But inshallah he will get better.

  4. i would donate money and also write him a prayer

  5. Alhamdulillah.I thank Almighty for making you generous  and helpful....May He guide and help you throughout your life ameeen...

    Give the money to him and start praying.....insha allah I'll join you too....

  6. a very nobel gesture

  7. Salam for you. You should do to donate some money anonymously and write also a dua (prayer) for him  by claiming only hamba allah or abdullah just in the same meaning.You must make a dua for him in several prayers not only once.

  8. both ,donate the money and pray for him!

  9. Donate money to him, and pray for him. you can always pray for him. inshaAllah I will pray for him too.~!

  10. I would do both. Write a prayer for him as well as donate the money. Since Allah is the Healer for all mankind, not just Muslims alone.  

  11. i dont see any problem here..

    u can do both for him..

    may allah help all muslim patients..

    always love & peace..

    btw u r a good person , may allah reward u..

  12. Maybe you can get the whole office to pitch in and create some sort of thoughtful, yet discreet way to send him money and a prayer?

    Anonymous would be tough, unless you can fit all of it into a box and place it on his desk or office, signed "Anonymous".

  13. Both

    we also pray for him

    and you Read more and more about 1 lakh the word    Ya Salamoo for his good health

    May God give him a good health and happines aamin

    And May God gave YOu  Streanth to help him and gave you reward aamin  

  14. Is it permissible to say “ Jazaak Allaahu khayran (may Allaah reward you with good)” to a non-Muslim if he does us a favour or helps us in some way?

    Praise be to Allaah.

    It is not permissible to pray for good for a kaafir, because he does not deserve it. If he does something good, you can thank him by saying “Thank you”, because of the hadeeth: “Whoever does not give thanks to the people does not give thanks to Allaah” (a saheeh hadeeth narrated by Imaam Ahmad, 2/258). It is preferable to use the words of thanks in his language, i.e., not in Arabic. It is sufficient to express your appreciation for his good deed, but we should also note that it is not permissible to use the services of a kaafir or to accept his help, because this involves putting up with his reminders of his favour. In the reports there is the du’aa’, “O Allaah, do not give the follower of innovation any reason to remind me of his favours or cause my heart to like him.”

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