With all due respect, let me ask you:
How is it offensive and insulting to you, and always demand an apology, when someone calls Mohammed a pedophile, or calls you terrorists, or any of the common abusive words you hear.....WHILE>...
You call Christians, Jews and others kafirun and Mushrikeen.
You call Christians three god worshippers.
You say their book is corrupted.
You call Jews God turned them to pigs and apes.
Many demonstrators say to behead those who insult Islam, to kill Jews, and bless Hitler...
Many people support Extremists and Insurgents...
And a lot of things (I think u got the point!)...
So why would it be unfair of them to insult and offend you?
I dont need explainations of things mentioned above (like "we call Jews so and so, because.....")
I just know that Christians and Jews, and others, DO consider it an insult, offense and abuse when you do these stuff...
So is it fair?
<<Trial # 1>>