
Muslims : Is it true that the owner of castrated pets must pay 'zakat' for them?

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yesterday my friend told me about this..i was like..what?? true kah?

the reason is, we have 'took away' their keturunan (heir)

i will castrate (kasi mandul) my son cat next month...

is this a false teaching or what?

huh..if this is true, maybe i should name my cat with Nik Ahmad Modjo b. Abdullah... =D




  1. whoah?..really ah?..never heard of it! not true lah...aiyaa..cannot simply simply believe maa..

  2. don't know lar,i m not muslim,but your cat name very funny lar!

  3. 2 type of Zakat:

    1. Zakat Al Fitr

    Zakat Fitrah is compulsory to all Muslims EXCEPT for pets owned by Muslims (especially cats).

    2. Zakat on properties

    It is compulsory to give Zakat on the following types of property:

    (1) Livestock eg. goats, camels, and cows;

    btw cat is not in the livestock category unless you are in some weird cult.

    (2) Cereals eg. rice, corn and wheat;

    (3) Fruits eg. Dates and Grapes only;

    (4) Gold and Silver (includes foreign-exchange, valuable notes and savings);

    (5) Minerals and buried treasure;

    Your cat is not a treasure eventhough you treasure it. Even if you bury your cat, it still doesn't become a buried treasure. And yes, your son can't bury the cat either.

    (6) Stocks (goods to be traded).

    You have a son?

  4. Zakat yang macam mana maksudnya?

    Im too lembab to understand this.

    Why don't i have any idea about this ha?


    Oo...yang tu...

    Im sure u dont have to pay that zakat.

    Zakat perniagaan ke zakat harta tak tau la pulak..haha...

    The cat must be from kelantan right?  =)

  5. Go back to basic cik yaya oi ... dengan riaknya ... aku yang bergelar Amirul Mukminin ini menyatakan ... nO need! hahahaha if so .. u have to pay zakat for each nyamuk u kill, semut kill, because of you they cannot membiak lebih banyak ... muahaha ... and if we have to pay zakat for kucing yang dimandulkan .. how much eh? .. do you know many kucing will the mak kucing beranak? perkara ghaib la makcik oi .. .hahaha

  6. bila masa pulak kena bayar zakat?? i never heard that we must pay zakat for castration...

    castrating pets are Harus in Islam because we fear of they will decrease their health, safety (bila dah banyak takut kena langgar kereta)  and to control their population..ia bukan perbuatan zalim..if you go to the vet, they are some articles about castration pets in Islamic views..

  7. cik yaya...pelik benor soklan nie......

    ...saya rase takde lah.....tak yah bayar "zakat"....tapi sya rase...dzalim perbuatan tu...mengcastrate animals....

    Juniper: thanks for enlightening me....tak tau cheq...; )

  8. Hummm I wonder how much you would have to pay if Gindy was castrated...

  9. By the way, let me use this column to greet every Muslim in Malaysia...

    I wish to all of you RAMADAN KAREEM!

  10. no such thing!! this is the first time i heard about it, and i dont think we have to...

    but ms yaya... if i were you, i'll keep that extra money (the one u keep for zakat) for additional 'diet' supply...coz both of my male cats (Net Net and Encem)... they became buruk lantak and tersangatla gemok after i neutered them... makan..tido..makan..tido.. that's just what they do...

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