
Muslims: Which country were you born in and in which do you live right now?

by Guest44621  |  earlier

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lol!! I posted this question first!!!! Oh well, it doesn't matter anyway. Maybe we should consult one another before posting a question next time!!




  1. Born in Pakistan:

    Living in UAE, currently visiting Florida, USA.

  2. i was born in syria, and now live in canada.

  3. England, England.

  4. Born in england, travel between Morocco and England now.

  5. Born in the US

    Have been living in Tunisia for almost the past 7 years

  6. I am a Muslim convert, and I was born in the United States.

  7. Born in the UK still living in the UK,

  8. I was born in U.K (London) and now i am living in Germany...llollz

  9. dude, stop copying my question lol I was born in Afghanistan and came to the U.S when i was 5 years old and i'm still here

  10. Born in the USA......isn't that a song?

    Living in Morocco.....maybe I'll write a song.

  11. i borne in syria and i live in syria damascus.

  12. Malaysia. I love Malaysia..=)

  13. UK, London, born here and living here still.

  14. Born In Saudi Arabia.....Living in  the USA

  15. Born in Pakistan,  came to KSA when was just 12 days 0ld,  gone back to Pak when I was 15 years.      Now spending holidays in Makkah.

  16. well , i was born in the UAE (unitrd arab emirates)..

    i lived there about 13 years..

    and now i'm  in egypt 6 years so far..

    i lovvvvvvve both countries so much , u can say like they r in my blood..

    always love & peace..

  17. The US and I am currently back in the US.  My husband was born and lived in Morocco until recently, but he is here in the US with me now.  InshaAllah, we will return to Morocco in a few years.

  18. Wow, most here are from UK, USA, UAE..

    I'm born, breed & stuck here in Asia. :((

  19. New Jersey!!

  20. born in london, raised in london, still in london hoping my prince charming will whisk me away from london!!!!

  21. Assalaamu alaikum Ukhtee Born in the UK living in the UAE alhamdullilah.

  22. I am in India and now in Doha Qatar

  23. I was born in Ireland and i live in Ireland right now!

  24. Born in Scotland, live in England

  25. lol, there is another question like this too.  Born and raised and live here in sunny Florida.

  26. Born and living in UK. How about u?

  27. Born and bred in UK

  28. born in canada satyed for 2 years. went to lebanon for 6years and now iv been in canada for 6 years so far.

    bout u sister?!

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