
Muslims.. Why do some cultures make their women cover themselves up from head to toe

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I thought Islam was about making your own decisions (of course not breaking any traditions) and not to be oppressed? So why do places like Afghanistan etc make it mandatory for women to cover up?




  1. ok in islam u should cover ur hair ONLY not from head to toe but some ppl overreact and do so , like everywhere everybody think there way

  2. Well it is better for women to cover up in Islam but as you said we make our own decisions, and Allah (God) will what's fit for us on judgment day. After all we are people we all make mistakes only Allah doesn't make mistakes, I'm not saying that not covering up is bad, just our choice, if we're supposed to cover up but didn't or don't that's our choice humans aren't perfect. I don't cover up, but that's my choice I don't go wearing a bikini on the streets either. Covering up is so men don't be tempted to look at us. I don't think it's recommended to cover our face, hand or feet. The Quran doesn't tell us how to live our lives because then how does God decide who goes to heaven and who goes to h**l? There are good Muslims and bad ones, just like there are good Christians and bad ones, again no one's perfect. The women who cover up do it really nicely not all in black anymore (that was like 10 century's ago) just like you, you don't go around wearing the clothes of the 1800's you've up dated you style so have they.

  3. Do you not see women in the west covering like this also?  Then would you claim that its because they were forced to?

    The ruling of hijaab from head to toe is from the Qur'aan and Sunnah.  Those who speak against it, ask them for their proofs of where in Islaam says how to interpret it as they do.

    But what you see in Afghanistaan was more than what Islaam said.  Because they even had to cover their eyes with the fabric with mini holes, and i know women from afghanistaan who are religious, but that was very uncomfortable, and not possible to walk properly even in bright day light(they'd fall when walking etc).  Some might be okay, but i'm saying in general.  There were many other rulings and acts of extremism when under the ruling of al-qaida. So I think you just have to search and read more to know the answer to your question.

  4. How dare you ask such a question.

    They do it because they are told to--never question Allah or any man interpreting Islam for his own ends.

    Muslim men are so highly sexed that even seeing a glimpse of flesh would cause them to pounce on a woman(or man for that matter)---Allah knows this , so to protect woman from these s*x-crazed maniacs he makes women wear beekeepers outfits.

    When Islam takes over the world ,all women will cover their whole bodies --no men will ever see bare flesh and no one will have s*x with anyone else(except men who will make love to each other).

    The population will die out , is Allahs way.

  5. Have you seen their women?(jk)

    It is part of their Quran. The Quran, tells them how they should live their life and how to make every decision through life. It's very interesting if you ever read it. It's definitely geared towards male dominance.  

  6. well its not just in afaghanistan..its a rule in islam that females after they have their period should cover their whole body except for the face and hands..thats a rule and its applied in many other countries such as the middle east arab countries....each religion has its own rules...iam a muslim and  i do not apply that...its about free dicisions thats correct.. but its more about releasing urself from myths and stupidity..and this thing about covering the body is set to protect the female...and the society..

  7. I am a muslim

    we all know that wemen are very beautiful

    and we all know that seeing another wemen with plasure exept your wife is a sin that leads to h**l in the hereafter

    so our sisters are helping us as a men ,they cover to protect us from seeing thier bodies because we are not married and to protect themselves from predetors

    so in islamic community we do not see sexual crimes ,we see a respectful comunity that deals with the brain of the woman not her body

    It is not like what the western media say , they say that muslim wemen cover because they are forced

    the truth is not like that ,our wemen cover because the love thier God and want to obay him away from sins in order to live in heaven for ever.

    and by the way , any weman who do not like the scarf  can take it away from her head and we can see them in every day life, it is a matter of Faith

    In the end sorry for my bad english , because it is not my mother tongue.

  8. It is your OPINION that covering is oppressive.  I cover from 'head to toe' as you say and it is my choice and I don't feel oppressed.

    BTW, Afghanistan does not do this anymore.  There are very few countries that make it mandatory anymore.

    The fact is that according to Islam the leader of a nation IS responsible for what he/she ALLOWS to go on in his/her nation.  So allowing women and men to not observe hijab (yes there is hijab for men) is a sin upon the leader/king/pm etc.

    My aunt (my fathers sister) is also Roman CAtholic and she does choose to cover up...she is a nun.  

  9. They are not forced, they wear it because it follows tradition.

    It would be a bad thing to be uncovered.

    Undignified if you will.

  10. maybe their child spoke to strangers and told them that their from russia or Siriya or from a place and then they buy covers to cover their selves that's why so if ur mom is muslim and u spoke to strangers ur mom will do like that and u should cover ur face not skin watch out.

  11. Islamicly it is compulsory for women to cover up therefore in some countries if they follow islamic law they will make it compulsory for women to cover up  

  12. They know their women are extremely hairy & ugly so they make them cover up so as not to confuse them with the men.

  13. Islam is indeed about making your own decisions.  As Muslims, we decide to obey Allah's commandments.

    Hijab (covering) is one of Allah's commandments.

    It's a simple equation. =)

    Culture and Islam should never be intertwined.  Two VERY different things.  

  14. covering their women from head to toe is actually partly right & partly wrong ; covering their body implies discipline; but I would agree that covering it from head to toe is oppression

  15. Simple men are implementing man mad Law ;) Allah (swt) does not say force an individual as surely there is no compulsion in Religion.  

  16. Because they fight the vanity in themselves and the primitive need to attract men so that they can have harmony.  That way they get along better with women and their marriage has more passion and trust and less jealousy.

    It is really very admirable.

  17. I am a woman that covers herself up from head to toe and the only difference between me and a non is the face veil and more freedom than the non. i am allowed to walk outside and be married and have intercourse to bear children.

    The non is in my eyes the one that is oppressed, but no one remember that.

    I wear the faceveil since it is a order to all believing women. Even if you disagree with this fact, we have a perfect role models in the wives of the Prophet (sall Allaahu alaihi wa sallam) and the the shahabaa.

    Nowadays i see more women in Afghanistan coming agianst the burqa and wearing something what they wish.

    I wished that my father was strong in telling me what is good and wrong and stick with it. Believing alone isn't enough to be recognised as a True Believer. You can still be recognised as a person that doesn't believe. A woman that believes and (according to your thought) is been made to wear a burqa or a niqaab is in my eyes a muslim that obeys her father or husband not obeys her innerself (nafs) and i make dua for her that she will be rewarded for that. Since she makes clearly the choice to cover instead of making fitnah of herself. What is in her heart only Allaah knows. And that shouldn't be our business. If she doesn't want to wear it and she has the order, than Allaah will show her a way out of it, since Allaah doesn't need her duties that aren't based on faith. Fear of Allaah is in the Heart and can be recognised through the hands and feet and mouth (i.e. not giving haraam (riba' (interest), zina') or accepting any haraam  And Hijaab in complete covering is one of the ways to say look i don't accept zina', and i don't want it. Whether it is zina' of the eye or zina' of the hands or zina' of the part between the legs.

  18. there is a big difference between Islam and Culture!! Islam says a women have to cover up but not as Afghani culture!!

  19. Peace.

    Well in Christianity and Judaism, woman are suppose to cover themselves also. Why do Nuns cover themselves? Mary according to Christian history was a Jew and covered herself.

    In the Bible in 1 BK of Corinthians chapter 11 verse 5-7(make sure you have a bible from 100/200 years ago, not the ones now because the wording has changed) it says "woman should cover there head"

    The reason woman cover themselves and reasons why Afghani's want woman to cover themselves is because:

    1)covering shows modesty

    2)people dont like you for your looks, but like you for the real you, your personality

    3)men dont harm woman or rape, as we know today, every 10 seconds we are here a woman is being raped in america according to an american statistic.

    4)covering brings less attention, for example, if you are in a shopping centre and there is a group of guys, and a woman with a skirt and tight top walk past, and then a woman who covers her whole body walks past, who will they be likely to tease? the woman with the skirt and tight cloths.

    5) Afghani's are looking out for the safety of woman and are trying to prevent woman being harmed, the prophet pbuh also said that woman should cover(woman can show face and hands).

    6)how would you like it if a man perved on your mother or sister?covering is best for safety.

    Islam has highened the status of the woman. Today woman believe they are free and have more rights. But fact is the west has decreased the status of the woman, by showing them as mere objects in magazines, nude pictures, magazines etc; and men dont like woman for who they are but like them for their looks, their body etc.


  20. Rape happens everywhere, whether you are covered up or not! Using that as an excuse is just silly. how can a women live her whole life hiding? And as a man whether Muslim or Christian, your faith and respect should allow you to resist temptation. If you cant then what is the point in religion? The devil puts so many negative things out in the world and as part of your religion it is your duty to overcome them. This makes you a stronger Muslim, Christian. Theres no excuse. Let a women be comfortable and were what she wants. If she is half naked and you don't agree, then that is her decision, the most you can do is advise her that it may be dangerous. She may not want to be a Muslim. But all i can say is that in countries like that you can get killed or beaten for wearing what you like. What kind of oppression and life is that. Have you ever seen any of these women on the news even smile! The answer is no. !!!!      

  21. It was permissible for women to show their faces to strangers. However, this was before the verse of Hijaab was revealed: ‘O Nabi, say to your wives, your daughters and the believe women that they should suspend cloaks over themselves’

    Cloaks is a Jilbaab, a Jilbaab is a covering, or a cloth, which covers the ‘entire’ body including the head. Hence when women are commanded to use a Jilbaab so that they may remain concealed, then the covering of the face and hands will definitely be included.

    So these Afghani women who wear the whole veil, covering themselves from head to toe infact are wearing the veil which the Qur'an and Hadith has ordered to.

    Having said that, no woman should be 'told' to wear the veil, but asked, as there's no compulsion in religion. So these men who force women to wear the Hijaab, Niqaab are doing wrong.

    EDIT: Bell, as a Roman Catholic, you should know the Hijaab/Niqaab (whole covering)  type of modest dress has been worn by righteous women throughout history. Prominent examples are traditional Catholic Nuns, Mother Teresa and the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus (Pbuh) the Muslim women in Afghanistan look no different to these women, except, they cover their face - which is the centre of beauty and temptation, and rightly so.

  22. You are extremely ignorant about Islam and Muslims.  It is  not your fault.  Because you are product of western culture.  Please learn about Islam by reading on the following sites  before you ask such silly questions.

    Must read the next two sites.

    May God almight guide you to the right path.

  23. I had a muslim friend who told me they do it for protection from men. Men wont be tempted by them if they cant see their face or body.  My friend recently just visited her father in afganistan and she says that its very dangerous there, and rape happens all the time to women who are not covered.

  24. Islam says dress modestly & as long as I am doing that....I don't think I need to wear hijaab.

  25. because they are still living in poverty, like most poverty stricken areas they tend to stick with traditional beliefs

    Amish women do the same thing they are christian and have to wear a bonnet in public

  26. Culture and customs dominate to a point that Islam is used to justify what would otherwise be hard to implement.  It is a misuse of people's trust and simplicity.

    The all enveloping burqa or abaya is an Arab custom.

  27. I was told that in their culture your hair is considered the sexiest part of your body and that is why they have to cover their head.  It would be like asking women here to wear a swimsuit top.

  28. It is part of being Muslim--it's is disgraceful to NOT be covered. Women choose to do it out of respect for Allah--not because they are *made* to. Ask any Muslimah and she will tell you :)

  29. Pity we didn't do that in the UK then we wouldn't have to look at the piercings, belly over the track suit, tattoos and badly dies hair that seem to fill our shopping malls.


  30. because some Men want domination over women and they are too thick to realise it. it happened here in the Thirties but the suffragettes  got the law changed.

  31. this is the prblem with some people like saudi arabians, they mixed covering the head with the scarf hejab with the very old traditions of badoo, people of the desert where badoo women are used to cover their bodies including their faces,

    as a matter of a fact there isnt a single word in the quran that says a women should cover her face,

    and one more thing, when women are off to pilgrimage they are forbidden from covering their faces and hand palms  

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