
Muslims girls:important?

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my period will come in the first the day of ramadan

and it will come in the last days of ramadan (leilet el kadr)

what am i going to do?




  1. "They ask you about menstruation: Say, it is harmful; you shall avoid sexual intercourse with the women during menstruation; do not approach them until they are rid of it. Once they are rid of it, you may have intercourse with them in the manner designed by God. God loves those who are clean. Your women are the bearers of your seed. Thus, you may enjoy this privilege however you like, so long as you maintain righteousness. You shall observe God, and know that you will meet Him. Give good news to the believers." 2:222, 223

    As we know, many Islamic Scholars tend to abuse the meaningful verses of the Quran to benefit their own agendas. One of the abused verses that I would like to write about is verses 2:222-223.

    First, let us tackle the misunderstanding of the Islamic scholars regarding these verses. They have innovated religious laws prohibiting menstruating women from observing the Contact prayers, fasting, and even touching the Quran. However, a careful study of these verses shows that God is teaching us about personal hygiene, and there is no law dealing with the religious practices in these verses.

    As we know, menstruation is a feminine issue. Ironically, it is the men who ask about menstruation and the revelation is directed towards the men. Now, what could possibly concern a man regarding a feminine issue, except for his own interest in sexual matters? God answers the men by initially letting them know that having sexual intercourse with a menstruating woman is harmful, and they should not approach them until they get rid of it. The phrase "get rid of it" is "tatahharn" in Arabic which is the same word used in 3:55 when God tells Jesus: "I am terminating your life, raising you to Me, and ridding you of the disbelievers."

    However, if this verse were referring to women's religious practices during menstruation, God would have directed the verse to the women. As it turns out, neither in this verse, nor in any other verse God forbids menstruating women from practicing their religious duties; it only refers to personal hygiene, and the statement of "your women are the bearers of your seed", in the following verse proves this fact. A man and his wife are allowed to have intercourse in the manner designed by God, which is vaginal intercourse.

    The only way a woman can be "the bearer" of a man's seed is through the v****a to the uterus. By mentioning this statement, God is prohibiting non-vaginal intercourse. Therefore, the statement of "however you like" cannot be misconstrued.

    Now let us look at the point of view of the opponents of religion.  Their view on this matter is that God humiliates the women by such statements. On the contrary, God is preventing men from viewing women as sexual objects and from sexually abusing women by commanding the men to have sexual intercourse with them in the manner designed by God.

    It is noteworthy that the statement "as long as righteousness is maintained" is there to protect the woman. Please note that this verse does not only deals with the physical aspect, but also moral aspect which does not allow a man to abuse a woman by forcing her to have s*x anytime without her consent. Also important is the fact that the statement of "maintaining righteousness" comes immediately after "however you like", to prevent physical and moral abuse.

    God ordered the husband and wife to live in love mercy and tranquility 30:21. Therefore, when all activities in marriage are based on this statement, which is the source of righteousness between spouses, it's more likely to prevent any evil and vice in marriage.

    We send down in the Quran healing and mercy for the believers. At the same time, it only increases the wickedness of the transgressors. 17:82

    @ what an idiot was hurairah to have said this,loving bad odour and attributing to Allah..

  2. there is nothing you can do but not fast..but you are supposed to make up your fasts after ramadan is over and you have all the time you want till the next ramadan to make up your missed days..and on laylatil qadr just make duaa's that day,,you never know maybe you wont get your period on that night

  3. fast the days you can fast and those days you are not fasting, spend them making thikr and du'a or volunteering to prepare meals for fasting people (for example you can prepare food if your local mosque has daily iftaar).  There is no blame on you for this and of course you should make up the days later.  

  4. theres nothing you really can do, it just happens sometimes

    always happens to me... it sucks!

  5. Since I am an expert in the "Womens Health" section, I should say there is nothing you can do to delay your period. Just accept mother nature, and accept thats how God created you. If your period lasts a whole month, then so be it!  

  6. oh its not really a big deal , so dont worry. what u do is: ur days where u have it, dont fast or pray. but after ramadan, u can make them all up. just make them up and woul'll get the same reward.  

  7. well nth to do. just after ramadan, make sure to fast those days that u missed, anytime during the year, before ramadan of '09.  

  8. I was thinking about that too because I really want to be able to hold the quran and pray on leilet el kadr.

    It might not even come on those exact days. My periods always change, sometimes I get them early and sometimes late. Every girl is going to get their period in ramadan. Just make up the days you missed after ramadan and everything will be alrite.

    Well I hope you dont get them on that day. Inshallah.

  9. You just make up the days of fasting that you miss during your cycle. You can make them up immediately or any time over the year. You can do them consecutively or here and there.

    Edit: Subhan'allah, four of us were writing the same answer at the same time :)

  10. ha! this actually happened to me last year.. for the first time 2 of my cycles came during the Ramadan.. I was on it the first week and it appeared again the last week.. so all I could fast were the 2 middle weeks...

    My husband (Saudi) explains.. Allah is merciful.. its actually a blessing and a releif for us women to not worry about fasting.. dont beat yourself up about it emotionally.. Just continue to support those fasting around you.. You can and should try to fast during the year afterwards to make up for it.. its not hard to choose one day a week to fast... sometimes me and my sisters in laws.. will choose a couple of days together to fast to get it overwith quicker throughout the year.. We will choose a couple of days. then get together in the evening at our houses to break fast.. it helps if you have someone to do it with..

    Even its good for men to fast periodically throughout the year.. So try to have your spouse fast with you one day during the week.. 15 or so days of missed fasts are easy to make up later.. dont worry!  

  11. There are pills you can take that can delay its arrival.  Make an appointment to discuss this with your gynecologist.


    Sui, there are medications one can take to delay the arrival of a period.  One can use birth control pills to accomplish this, there is also a drug called norethisterone that can delay a period.  The asker should of course discuss this with her gynecologist.  

    Being a TC doesn't prove knowledge on Y/A, it proves absolutely nothing.

    And as for taking pills like this, yes I agree its best to not utilize them and go the natural route but if you truly want to avoid your period, that is the only way.

    Don't take anyone's advice (especially medical) on this site, not even mine.  Best to go discuss a matter like this with a trained professional.

  12. Period doesn't mean you are too dirty to pray to Allah.  It means you can't do the ritual prayers, fasting and recitation of the Qur'aan from Mus-haf(but u can read from memory).

    You can always make dua', athkaar(dhikr/remembrances), meaning of the Qur'aan, listen to Qur'aan recitation, help out preparing iftaar (the one who feeds a fasting person gets the same reward as the one fasting), etc.

    The fact that we get period is a blessing.  It is Qadar Allah when you get your period on special days like mentioned, so lets not frown upon the decree of Allah inshallah.  And there is no burden on any soul more than it can handle.  So inshallah make up your fasts as soon as possible after ramadaan, and also the 6 fasts of shawwal.

    And it is true... a lot of times when someone has been sincere to Allah, and has been good, and makes dua' to delay the period etc., it works! experience tells me.  It happened one time that I didn't get period until after 46 days, which is very much not normal.. but Allah is capable of anything and everything. (I don't mean its always like that for me)

    Also, focus on the days you CAN fast, and pray as much extras as you can, recite Qur'aan as much as you can, inshallah.  A negative attitude can also affect the days you can pray, and you won't want that.

    May Allah bless us this Ramadaan and the ones to come ameen.

    wa aleikis salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

  13. Im not so sure that this is the correct way but I come from a Muslim family and I can recall some of my female aunts for example, making up the fasts they missed during ramadan because of their period.

    So perhaps, you could make up the the amount you missed after ramadan is over especially since your intent is to fast for religious reasons and to be humbled i.e. regarding the situations of the less fortunate. So I think it would be a suitable alternative...

    But like I said, I dont know if thats how it is supposed to be.

  14. Unless you take the pill, not much. Ask Allah to delay it for you. I know how you feel, I had my period on every eid for 2 years in a row.....that was a real bummer. Just know you don't control it :)

  15. How come Muslim girls take all that **** from all the men?

  16. It happened before to me and its normal anybody can have it! when it comes u'll have to fast after ramadan! it really sucks because I want to fast the whole ramadan but Allah made it that way and I'm sure Allah is WISE and he did this because its better for us!!! salaam

  17. plz read about Rabi'a al-'Adawiyya /Rabi'ah /Rabi'a Basri (d.801)

    may ALLAH give hedaya salam

    " I love You with two loves-a selfish love

    And a Love that You are worthy of.

    As for the selfish love, it is that I think of You,

    To the exclusion of everything else.

    And as for the Love that You are worthy of,

    Ah! That I no longer see any creature, but I see only You!

    There is no praise for me in either of these loves,

    But the praise in both is for You."

  18. You don't have to fast or pray during your menstruation!

    But you have to make up for the fasting days you missed, not the prayers... =)

  19. You make them up girlie! :o)


  20. Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that Allah’s Apostle, Salla Allahu Alayhi Wasallam, said, what translated means,

    “Allah said, ‘All the deeds of the son of Adam are for him: the good deeds will be multiplied ten times to seven hundred time, except fasting, which is for Me and I will reward for it accordingly. He abandons his (sexual) desire, food and drink for Me.’ Verily, there are two joyous and pleasurable moments for the fasting person: one at the time of breaking his fast, and the other is when he will meet his Lord (in the Hereafter). Verily, the unpleasant odor emanating from the mouth of the fasting person is better in the sight of Allah than the scent of musk.”

    [Al-Bukhari & Muslim].

    Women are also exempt from the fast of Ramadan during their monthly periods, a time when they are also given leave from performing the five daily prayers. While some Muslims believe this state renders a woman unfit to pray or fast because she is “unclean”, the reality of the matter is that Allah subhana wa ta’ala in His Infinite Mercy has relieved women of their religious responsibilities during this period so that they may relax.

    As, the hadith tells the fasting is just for Allah and if your monthly periods comes during the month of Ramadan, He knows it very well and He allows you to take rest.So, don't worry, you can complete the remained number of fasts later on and Allah will reward you equally, inshaAllah.

  21. I don't think it is a good idea to take pills. Just fast when you are able to, and replace the days you missed after ramadan.  

  22. dude, it's a normal cycle! you can't do much and should'nt worry. dont take pills though- medically not a good idea to play with your hormones, your next period will pain a lot. make up for the fasts later, and be happy! and if it falls on eid, make up for the eid fun later :D you can still participate in teh parties and food and social gatherings..

  23. the first person said take pills

    i strongly disagree

    using those pills is not good for your health

    i am sorry to tell you this but you have to skipp a few days of ramadan

    because you become inpure when you are on your period

  24. You just make up for the days afterwards.

    The monthly menstruation is a natural fact of womanhood and happens to all women and to take a pill to stop it would be unnatural and may be quite the opposite of what Ramadhan's purpose is to cleanse the body, heart and soul.

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