
Muslims: help with Ramadan and Soum(Roza)?

by  |  earlier

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What if we have a tour with school to a mountain and climbing is around 6-8 hours...

and what if we are supposed to work like practice job being in school...

also the weekdays at school when we have gym and to get best ppossible points to apply for good seats, we have to participate in eeverything!

Question: Can we then leave Roza(Soum) in cases above????

please help!




  1. wait...ramadan hast started yet....

    and  FASTING is more imporant than anything else. unless you are travelling ex. new york---ottawa then yes you can break youir fast and obviously you will have to redue them...

    other than places that are hours far apart then no you have to fast.

    whe i was 12 i had to do this fitness test in gym class and it was ramadan. it was deadly, then we played b-ball which was even worse but i lasted. maybe you can too


  2. SALAM! FAST is more important than good seats!

  3. if i dont believe in the myth of adam and eve, then why shoudl i believe in anything else islam teaches?

    ex muslim

  4. Forbidden Fasts

    Muslims are forbidden to fast on the first day of Eidul Fitr (the Feast of Fast-Breaking) and the first three days of Eidul Adha (the Feast of Sacrifice). These are days of happiness and joy, as well as of thanks and appreciation to God, and it is recognized that fasting may involve hardship. It is undesirable for Muslims to fast continuously every day of the year and to single out Fridays.

    Fasting for Atonement-

    There are occasions when a Muslim must fast as penance: when a Muslim travels to Mecca during the pilgrimage season, he/she may choose to perform first the Minor Pilgrimage called "Umrah" before the special days of the Major Pilgrimage known as "Hajj" in order to enjoy the relief during the intervening period from the prohibited acts during pilgrimage. Accordingly, he/she must sacrifice an animal on the first day of the Feast of Sacrifice. If the pilgrim cannot afford it, he/she must fast three days while still in the vicinity of Mecca and another seven days on returning home. Allah says in Qur'an:

    "…And if any of you is ill, or has an ailment in his scalp, (necessitating shaving), (he should) in Compensation either fast, or feed the poor or offer sacrifice;…"

    The continuation of the verse in Arabic is:

    "... But if he cannot afford it, he should fast three days during the Haii and seven days on this return, making ten days in all." (2: 196)

    "Whoever breaks a valid oath becomes liable to the penalty of paying the cost of feeding ten poor persons. If a person cannot afford it, he/she must fast three days in atonement." (Qur'an 5: 92)

    If a Muslim breaks his fast on Ramadan during the day by committing coitus or for any intentional breaking, he must atone for that day by fasting one day, and, in addition, sixty consecutive days. If his physical condition does not permit him to do so, then he must give food to sixty needy people.

    Let us ask Almighty Allah for forgiveness

  5. I think you should tell your teachers (school) that you're fasting, and they should take care of that, I mean they could say that you can to it at another time. You know what I mean?

  6. honestly sister I do not believe so.  Unless the trip entails traveling, in such a case you could break your fast.  All the other things you describe do not I believe warrant breaking the fast.  My kids have gym class outside everyday during Ramadan and we live in Florida and it is still brutally hot & humid.  Life cannot come to a standstill just because it is Ramadan.  Unless you have a valid reason to break your fast (such as traveling, medical etc) then you have to do it.  And Allah swt knows best.

  7. i don't think so.. allah is forgiving so you can make up your fast in some other islamic month

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