
Muslims in England? Fill me in on life in the UK.?

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Do you face discrimination/harassment often? When are the next elections held? Do you think BNP will win?

Fill me in on da situation out there in England, I know a lotta bros n sis's live there. Wuts the enviornment like, are u treated badly? Let me know cuz Im from Nyc & face a lotta hatered, but it dnt phaze me. Asalaam Waalaikum




  1. As a non-Muslim living in the UK, I think we are a very tolerant place. Obviously there are prejudiced people, but they tend to be people who have seen a huge amount of immigration in their area and blame the new people for changing the local area/culture. It is in those areas where there can be tension and where the BNP do well. In places where Muslims are just another minority, no-one cares. But that says a lot about the British attitude to minorities :-). A lot of non-Muslim people feel bit uncomfortable when they see women wearing the full hijab etc, but that's mainly because the UK is generally a non-religious culture - very different from the USA. For example politicians would never dare mention God or their religion in a campaign, people traditionally treat religion as a very personal thing, they don't like to discuss it much even with their friends, many people aren't religious at all, and so it's weird to see it so publicly 'displayed'. So that is seen as being from a totally different culture.  

  2. I AM NOT.. MUSLIM.. or British.. I am from Mexico.. I think muslims.. catholics or any other religion should be treated with respect.. it's only way to reach a good comprehesion and the dioalogue.. in my country we have a few of muslims.. I don't know them.. I am catholic and I feel bashing sometimes by protestants classmate. when there is a celebration of any saint.. like virgin mary of guadalupe.. our queen in mexico.. despite of mexicans are most catholics.. there is a big majority of protestants.. now.. I think in UK. religion is not very important as in USA.. most of british will say they don't follow the anglican church or they follow other christian churches like baptists or pentecostes.. or atheists.. depending..but they want a christian nation.. I think every nation need human values.. of respect and tolerance..

  3. It depends on where you go. The major cities tend to have a high Muslim population, and so people tend to be more tolerant and used to accepting other people.

    I live within a large Muslim community in Birmingham, and I find that they can be quite unpleasant to us for being white.

    The BNP have no chance of winning the general election. They may win a few seats, but the contenders to the throne will be, as always, Labour or Conservative.

    I'm glad to hear you're not phased by the hatred- don't let it get you down. You have to remember that if people are hostile towards you without knowing you, then it's them that's at fault, and not you.  

  4. in england muslims are treated fairly well. but as u kno anywhere there is some type of ppl who just dont like others. it makes me sick but u gotta keep a positive mind. my cuzins live there and they say its nothing like the way americans treat us but there were a few ppl who just look down on u. Waalaikum Asalaam.

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