Question: the '' morning after pill for emergency contraception ?

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forbidden ?? if a married couple did not want more children, and had a contraceptive accident. is contraception allowed at all ??




  1. The question is a serious one. It is not related to simple contraception which might involve suppression of ovulation. It is the wilful intent to destroy a fertilised cell which alters the theological angle. A conservative theist would argue that there is an intent to kill human life. Does the Koran have nothing to say on this????  

  2. I don't believe they believe in the "morning after pill".  That is why they breed like rabbits.  

  3. No I think that is okay

    I'll just check with a Scholar though...

    Yes it is okay, not good though.

    However Abortion is forbidden

  4. Have you seen the number of kids these people have ? I don't think that Muslims have ever heard of contraception. Although getting rid of any female baby's after giving birth, seems to be a form of contraception for them.

  5. Contraception is forbidden in Islam unless for medical purposes ie to avoid harming the female because it would be unsafe for her to have a baby

    and to floppy d**k, god bless america and the rest of the muslim haters at least muslim kids know their mothers and fathers unlike where your societies are going

    besides havent you watched your own talkshows.

    Check yourself before you wreck yourself!!!!!!!

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