
Muslims out there...please answer!!! My boyfriend is, and i'm not :(?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my boyfriend have been together for a year, and he's muslim. I am like, the farthest from religious, but I love him so much that i'm willing to learn. His parents make it such a huge deal that i'm not...and the rest of his family. Can you please tell me what the big deal is? and is this going to be a problem...for our future? How would you feel if your son, or family member was with a non religious person?




  1. Aw dear its really sad to hear that the guy you love is a muslim and you are not.4get whatever levitica or w/e says.Lemme make you clear.If you really love and want to marry him, then convert coz Islam doesnt allow Marriages from other religion.n i request to keep ur mouth shut , levitica.You have cover ur body n also your face.Its coz it wont let the a strange man see ur body or you.A women who reveals her body and wears tight fitting clothes wont even access the fagrance of heaven.

    2.You will b allowed to eat all the food except the unlawful one , like u shouldnt eat pork because pork contains uric acid.So if u eat pork its like eating ur own excreta.So levitica eat ur faecas rather than pork if u want to

    3.Your husband is allowed to marry another woman only when his first wife ( i.e. u ) agrees.N a muslim men can marry another woman to help her when she is indeed of help.But he cannot have children with her.For that he has to seek the permission from his first wife

    4.N fasting in Ramdhan month is realllllly really very blessed for you.Its like u r standing next to ur muslim sisters n brothers who dont even have the food to eat twice a day.N in this month of Ramdhan is very blessed.I can tell u everything abt it if u want to......but right lets go on to the 5th point

    5.U dont have to circumised ur sons until God asks u to.Allah asked only Ibrahim (alaihis salaam ) to do so.Because he was testing him and was testing his love towards Allah.But to remind u mr/miss Allah took away his son , Ismail n threw a goat instead.u see , Allah wont take away one's life to xpress hw much we love Him.

  2. salam alikom

    in ur place i will stay with him if i love him !

    becasue we dont find love daily!

    maybe he will help u to be religois :)

    good luck

  3. I have been through exactly the same as you are now!I was with a guy for 3 three years and was willing to convert for him and marry him but his family wouldnt accept me! I realised that even though i was willing to convert to muslim it wasnt going to make any difference to how his family felt about me.Some muslim families prefer to have a say in who their sons/daughters marry and they sometimes prefer this person was born a muslim,not a convert! It happens alot and it shouldnt be like this,its not Islamic to treat someone that way!Muslim boys are not supposed to be dating anyway,it is a sin to be having s*x etc with someone they are not married too.

    Have a talk with your boyfriend and tell him how you feel and what your willing to do to stay together!

    If your willing to convert to muslim and marry him then everything should be fine and his parents should accept you.

    I converted to muslim about 3 years ago and i have no regrets what so ever!

    Think about what it is you want from life and then decide!

    Good Luck with everything!

    P.S. To Levitical guy

    1. Nobody has to cover their face,the Quran says that headscarf/hijab is optional so where are you getting your info from???

    2. Pork is a disgusting meat,it has ringworm in it,why anyone would eat it is beyond me so think she will be alot healthier for not eating that rubbish.

    3. If you have nothing nice to say dont say it,insulting peoples religion is unacceptable,shes asking for guidance not insults.

  4. Save yourself from a life of misery and dump him.

  5. yes it wont be good...Become Methodist and look for boys there at church..

  6. It is going to be a problem because of Islam, his family will never treat you with the kind of respect they would have given to a muslim girl. Over time this can affect your relationship/marriage. You must give it a serious thought.

    Read more about relationships with muslims here:

  7. Learn what you can about Islam and keep an open mind and open heart.  It's really not what most ignorant people portray it as.   His family is probably concerned that if you marry and have children, he is OBLIGATED to raise them as Muslims.  Prove to them that you accept their faith, respect it and understand what it means to be married to a Muslim.  Best wishes.

  8. There are two issues.

    1. You are a non-religious person and ready to embrace Islam for the sake of marriage.

    2. You as a woman was ready to sleep with a man without any social commitment and civil contract.

    While files issue deals with Islamic legal issue second deal with Moral issue and both are major issiues for any traditional muslim family.

  9. no problem sweety we're all humans i'm a muslim and according to my onfo islam doesn't allow marriage from a different religon if u can change ur religon i'd recomnd islam do research on its history,aims and characers and if u want true advice go to this site(www.amr khaled is the best islamic advisor in the whole area send him or chat with him he'll help u with all ur problems....and if u want anything u can send me my e mail is (

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