
Muslims = terrorists??

by Guest57852  |  earlier

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okay i want to take a vote...who honestly thinks muslims are terrorists(i.e. Osama Binladen)?, or they are just being taken to the extreme by the media??...

...or they are just normal people that are trying to live there normal lives???

BUT!...before you answer the the documentry on the 9/11 SLOW MOTION, and watch how the building explodes before the plane hits...think about that and then say what you a muslim and i honestly want to know if all you people out there think muslims are terrorists




  1. Dear People

    Listen clearly;

    NO religion condones terrorism, a terrorist is a terroist and cannot be classed as a person of faith. 9/11 was a set up; in response governments can lock you up for no charge for pretty much as long as they want; civil liberties and freedoms huh? Patriot act; 42 day law in Uk; what a load of tripe.

    ask yourself, why was the insurance on the twin towers renewed one month before 9/11 when it hadn't been renewed for 30 years. do some research, watch 'loose change' on you tube and see how a non muslim north american dismantles the 9/11 case.

    what does the west need? oil & gas. who has it??

    Well, Iraq has a bit & Afghanistan is the natural route to extract all of central asias gas (with a little help from the democratic friends in pakistan of course).

    who did the noble west attack after 9/11??

    who didnt have WMDs??? (which was the basis for war dont forget)

    who supported saddam when he was fighting iran???

    who funded BIN LADEN when he was leading TALIBAN to battle vs the soviets??

    try and see the bigger picture and stop debating this muslim/terrorist nonsense

    muslims; pray to god, demand change from your crappy, sell out governments (saudi & co); support your palestinian brothers who have been gettin screwed over for decades.

    frankly, u r bending over and the west is lovin it, by all means carry on being the b**ch of the west u r only harmin your own future.

    So, are muslim terrorists; who gives a c**p - see the bigger ;picture

  2. some muslims are terrorists.  some americans are terrorists.  h**l, some eskimos are probably terrorists... what was your point?

  3. Salam....Muslim is not a terrorists....believe me.....i sure the 9/11 tragedy is not a Muslim action..MUSLIM IS NOT A TERRORISTS!..Muslim is the best, peaceful,harmony and good religion then catholic religion....

  4. Don't paint with such a broad brush.

    There are Americans that are terrorists -- John Walker Lindt (sic) aka the American Taliban is an example.  There are lots of folks who espouse radical ideologies.

  5. Not all Muslims are terrorists and most are appalled by the atrocities happening in the world but you can also see why non-muslims would react the way they do, its fear and anger against the few fundamentalists out there.

  6. what r u talking about

    muslims r nt terrorists

    is shah rukh (super cute )a terrorist

    is imran khan (bowler) a terrorist

    is shahid afridi a terrorist


    then why r u saying muslims a terrorist

  7. I think some muslims are terrorists and the religion itself is intolerable. Not all are, because it would be a bad idea to lump you all as one just because of actions of a few others.

    I know many good muslims and very bad muslims too.

    It's normal, there are bad people in every religion.

  8. Not all Muslims are terrorists but almost all terrorists are Muslim.

  9. I know Muslims that are not terrorists.

  10. NO!

    Muslims does not equal Terrorists

  11. nonsense!

    Stupid stereotypes.

    muslims = terrorists

    russians = drunks

    britishers = snobs

    finn = frozens



  12. Muslim=Terrorists???? What??? It's no true. You know?? Muslim is very best person than khatolik person!!! Remember it!!!!

  13. omg calling muslims terrorist??

    thats ridiculous and absurd

  14. unfortunatly you have all been sterotyped as terrorists. i fear muslims and also resent the fact they are here after 9/11 and 7/7.

    in fairness i have never seen the documentrys. however my opinion remains true and my heart goes to the families who lost INNOCENT lives.
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