
Muslims who live in America, Have you been called for Jury Duty?

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If so how did it turn out? Did the courts make you go through with the Jury Duty? Religiously are you allowed to participate in the Jury Duty?




  1. YES!

    but seriously, yes..i have been. i wen tthere and then they send us all home because the plaintiff didnt show up. yay!

  2. my parents got it, but they don't speak english very well, so they got out of :)

  3. oh yes, im a hijabi, and i was invited to participate in the Jury Duty. I refused it though coz i had to travel at that time

  4. Alhamdulillah you can only get called for jury duty if you register to vote.  Which is why I haven't nor ever will register to vote.  My sentence would be hanging for every crime someone did.  The courts of the USA won't let Muslimahs enter who have on hijab or Niqab.  

  5. I was called once and was selected for jury duty, but that was before I was a muslim.  I'm not living in America currently, but if I were and I were called, then I would go.

  6. I was called twice for jury duty and picked once to serve on a trial.  Since I was not getting paid by my employer to serve, I gave that as an excuse and was permitted to leave without performing jury duty.

    I can't fathom any reason why it would be haram to serve jury duty but don't want to give a definite answer since I'm really not 100% sure.

    Yes, American courts allow and have had hijab wearing Muslimahs serve jury duty, so I'm not sure what Wolf speaks of when she says they are forbidden by the US law.  Amendment 1 of the United States Constitution states there is freedom of religion and if wearing a hijab is part of religion, they cannot deny you jury duty for wearing it or order you to remove it.  It would be unconstitutional and highly illegal.

    Furthermore Wolf, I have to agree with عاکفه, and call you out on what you said here.  I've noticed many things you post are irrational and sometimes even inhumane and it's rather appalling.  You are entitled to your opinion but I do urge you to think before you post.  I'm not sure if you're being serious or just joking (I sincerely hope your joking and just have a really bad sense of humor) but I've seen you advocate hitting children and slavery.  This is disgusting.

  7. My dad had to do it, I'm not sure how it turned out

  8. nope my parents never got jury duty and I'm too young :p

  9. I was called for jury duty but since my kids were very young at the time (both were toddlers) I was excused.  Women in hijab have served on juries.  It is a non-issue here.  

  10. No..

  11. YES! I go in September, I hope I get chosen. I always thought it would be interesting. I know so many people who try to mess up the selection process so they'll get out of it, but I'm looking forward to it.

    @ wolf: Where in the world do you get that idea? "The courts of the USA won't let Muslimahs enter who have on hijab or Niqab."  I have been in court numerous times in hijab.  

  12. Hanging for every crime?

    Is someone else gonna comment or does it have to be me every time?

  13. lol thanks for reminding me. I received a letter a while ago which i still have to fill out. From what i heard, they interview first and if u pass the interview, they let u sit with the jury. My game plan was to fail the test so i dont have to go through the whole court hearings and what not!

    Religiously speaking yea u are allowed to participate in Jury Duty. Whats religiously wrong with it anyways?

  14. I don't know if we are or are not allowed. I would ask a sheikh. I was called for jury duty once but that was before I was Muslim so Allahu Alam.


  15. Not yet, someone told me though, just say "i hate jews, blacks, hispanics, and italians" and they'll instantly reject you.    You can usually get a note from work to get you out of it for me, if i went to jury duty, the business would have to shut down during my shifts.  

    Yeah, Islamically its allowed.  

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