
Must I get repairs done on my truck after accident? Can't I just get a check?

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I had an accident and now have gotten several estimates. The insurance company (mine) is saying I have to get the repair work done and they will send a check to them. The car is paid off and I have the title. Must I get it repaired or can I get a check for the amout of the estimates?




  1. it depends how persistent you are and the amount of damage.

    if the damage is minimal they will send an adjuster to look at it and then give you a check.

    if the car was not driveable after it was hit, you have to get it fixed at the shop and the insurance pays the body shop directly.

    ALso, check with your state to see how much damage there has to be before they need to total the car.

    Yes, it is governed by the state because i had this issue with a car that was heavily damaged in an accident that couldn't be totalled.

  2. you can get YOUR money....that company s insured has a vested interest in settling with you for your loss. What d**n difference should it make to them whether you repair your car with its value depreciated. You are the one whose car was devalued by the accident!..You can (fix) your car but you will never (unwreck) it. How much LESS would your car be worth when you told a potential buyer that it had been wrecked....That's the reason we need lawyers to sue insurence co.s

  3. I guess it depends on the state you live in. Someone dented the back end of my pick-up, and their company sent me a check. I suppose if I was at fault it would have been different.

  4. It sounds like you are wanting the $$ only.  The purpose of making a claim is to cover the cost of the repairs.  They do this to avoid fraudulent claims.  You will have to get the truck repaired.

  5. Depends on what your policy says.

    But generally speaking, if you own the vehicle, you would only need to produce a copy of a lien free title to your carrier. They would then be able to issue the check in your name only.

    Ask your adjuster and see what they say.

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