
Must be Obama or we're dead for another 4 years??? Agree? or Disagree?

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  1. With Obama and Mccain as our choices I'm opting not to vote.

  2. Obama talks a lot about what he is going to do but not so much about HOW he is going to do it.  The reason is b/c he can't!!!  One thing he can do is completely destroy our credibility and homeland safety by pulling our troops and setting us up for war on our own soil.  I say better safe than sorry.  McCain '08

  3. We're dead no matter what. We are too dependent on foreign oil. I don't think Obama's idea of cutting off foreign oil and making us find new resources is a good idea, at least not in the short run.

  4. God bless america, if john mccain is elected.

    i'm moving then. :P

  5. you might be right.

  6. I just want lower taxes and more tuition support (even loans are fine.)  Right now I have to take out $5,000 in private loans every year and the government takes about 25% of my paycheck.  It's depressing.  If Barack won, I would be able to stop worrying about money so much.

  7. disagree- it's the democratic congress ruining everything, not the republican president1

  8. We are so low on the food chain Donald Duck could be the next president and nothing would change in our lives.

  9. agree

  10. Who has expressed a plan to change college tuition fees, gas prices and introduce a national health care plan.  How about secure social security?  How about get our troops our of Iraq and finish what we started with destroying Al Queda and Bin Laden?  How about re-establishing our foreign connections?

    Only ONE candidate...Obama.  To vote for anyone else is to risk our future in this country forever.

  11. Why did the democrats choose a loser for what should have been a walkover, I'm sorry to say but McCain is going to come out on top.

  12. I agree. If McCain is elected then many people will die. But seriously I don't think we have much of a future. Things have been getting worse. I'm voting for Obama. I don't want McCain to win so I must do my part to stop it. I am only glad that I did not have children because I would worry for them. I do worry for my step kids because things aren't looking all that hopeful for them. It is possible that things could turn around but I think that's a pipe dream when you start looking at the facts and what is happening around us. You can only lie to yourself so much.  

  13. Obama 08.  But we have to get active and start telling our circle of reinds and fam.  

  14. Absolutely AGREE.

  15. Our country cannot afford to have another half-wit in the white house.

    We need someone who's brain functions normally and isn't in danger of forgetting how many houses he owns.  

  16. i wouldn't vote for obama if he were the only choice....

  17. Totally disagree. Obama will bring the destruction of america beyond repair.  

  18. The media has you convinced that only a Republican or Democrat can win. If you want real change, you must vote for another party.

    Turn off your TV and Radio and stop reading your megamedia news print. Learn about alternate candidates and ignore the shouts of spoiler and can't win.  That's military - industrial propaganda at its worse.

    List provided by

    - Adopt single payer national health insurance

    - Cut the huge, bloated, wasteful military budget

    - No to nuclear power, solar energy first

    - Aggressive crackdown on corporate crimeand corporate welfare

    - Open up the Presidential debates

    - Adopt a carbon pollution tax

    - Reverse U.S. policy in the Middle East

    - Impeach Bush/Cheney

    - Repeal the Taft-Hartley anti-union law

    - Adopt a Wall Street securities speculation tax

    - Put an end to ballot access obstructionism

    - Work to end corporate personhood

    - Defend, Restore and Strengthen the Civil Justice System

    - Adopt the National Initiative

  19. Obama needs to go home and cry with his spoiled brats. There is no way the man can run a country.

  20. The president of the United States does not control college tuition, gas prices, or health insurance. You are confusing the USA with a socialist country which controls everything and every one.

    Oh wait, that is why you support Obama. The two of you want to change America into a Marxist country.

    Good luck. And when McCain wins, take heart, there are many socialist countries which would be happy to welcome you.

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