
Must evacuate a friend facing life-or-death abuse from Scotland to US - emergency. What can I do?

by  |  earlier

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A woman in deep rural Scotland is suffering abuse from her husband, who has taken their money and abandoned her. She can't buy food and needs diabetes medication. There are no friends or relatives to help her, she has only two US internet buddies. We want to bring her to the US where she will be safe. How can we get emergency transport from Glasgow to Washington DC, and what kind of visa/passport issues are we facing? This woman may die unless we do something. Any helpful advice or contacts are appreciated. I've answered many dire Yahoo Answers situations, never thought I'd face one myself. Can anyone help me, and help her? Also, if anyone knows what social authorities in Scotland I could contact, she needs food and medicine aid right away. (She has resisted asking for help because she is very proud and spirited, but she's near the end of her rope.) Someone please help, thanks.




  1. The Scottish Helpline for Older People - 0845 125 9732 :-)

  2. Tell her to go to the US Embassy and ask for help there tell her to explain her situation to them

  3. This is the United Kingdom, prescriptions are free, or easily manageable to pay for in Scotland, so if she needs medication she will be receiving it.  If you are so concerned for this woman then contact the Scottish branch of the  Salvation Army, who will do everything in their power to help her and her family.  Likes others here, I fear you may be being scammed, whatever you do, do not send her any money.

  4. One born every minute!

  5. tell her to phone up the social services they will help her and if shes a genuine case or to go into any local health centre social workers are based there too hope all works out?

  6. I think you are falling for a scam.  How is she paying her internet provider, without money for food?

    You could get her address, figure out the nearest police station, call them....but again, I think this is a variation of a Nigerian letter.

    If you take this seriously:  if she has a UK passport, she can travel; you can buy her a one-way refundable e-ticket on British Airways to IAD.  Then go to IAD and see if she shows up!  if she doesn't--you can get a refund on the ticket

  7. Sounds like a scam to me too. There is loads of help out there easily available. Do not send any money!

  8. This absolutely sounds like a scam. Have you been sending money to this woman?

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