I ask because I see this debate happening a lot with Sarah Palin now in the spotlight. I'm hearing feminists claim that she couldn't possibly be a feminist and pro-life at the same time. There seems to be this underlying notion that in order for someone to be feminist they must be pro-choice.
Now I happen to be a pro-choice feminist, but I find it disconcerting that so many seem to have this idea that feminism has these iron-barred constraints attached to it's beliefs.
I realize the largest feminist organizations such as NOW, and most feminist public figures support the pro-choice stance, but does that necessarily mean pro-choice and feminism are rigidly attached?
I know the pro-life/pro-choice debate is a hot button issue, but I'm asking that you please set aside your own agenda in this post and ask yourself if you believe feminism should welcome or not welcome debate of this issue within its own ranks.
Related: here's a link to "Feminists for Life" an organization Sarah Palin apparently belongs to