
Must pay back immediately College Trip Abroad Program or I can't continue in college?

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I flew to Europe on a college trip abroad program. I never took one class as I became ill and flew back to the US within a week. I didn't get a doctor's note. If I took one class I would not have to pay back my school immediately. Now, I can't go to college until all is paid. I was told there is no repayment options as it must be paid in full. Mom is selling her house, furniture etc. Not doing very well. Is there anything I can do to make more money as soon as possible to pay my school. I am a great student in a University school and unable to get money as fast as the next semester starts, I,don't want to default and never finish school. I work 24 hours a day and just don't know what to do. My tears will soon flood the earth.




  1. Your mother shouldn't be selling her HOUSE to pay for YOUR trip to Europe.  It isn't going to kill you to take a semester off to make payments on that trip.  (The school isn't going to refuse your money if you only send it to them every two weeks-trust me.  No matter what they say.)  Your mother is not LIABLE for YOUR mistake.  

    You both shouldn't have to risk being homeless because of a stupid luxury study abroad trip.  Get a full time job, and then a part time one on the weekends if you don't already.  Send all your money to the school every time you get paid and tell your mother NOT to sell her house.  

    This is adulthood and responsibility.  Congratulations.

  2. I agree with the first girl....your mom shouldn't sell her home and risk being homeless because of YOUR carelessness....that's wrong!!! Its not going to kill you to take a semester or two off to work and pay the money back. If you're as determined as you seem, you'll go back no matter how many semesters you miss. Get a job and let your mom keep her home!!!

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