
Mutu told to pay Chelsea £13.68m? wtf?

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What is this all about?

I cannot understand this one, Thats got to be just about everything he has and will accumulate over the next few years.

What i do not understand about this is why should chelsea be awarded this after they sacked him, They were not forced to sack him and he could have played on for them after his 7 month ban.

He should be docked 7 months wages plus maybe 2 million on top for loss of value due to breaking his contract.

This is total b.s and just goes to show how corrupt officials within the game are, obviously the chelsea big boys have got people in their pockets.

I mean we all know grant was there because hes a jew and scolari is there because hes brazilian and will broker the move for kaka and unsettle ronaldo enough to break utds campaign title.

I have to say it chelsea want that title that bad they play dirty then maybe they deserve it.





  1. would need to read Mutu's contract with Chelsea to understand how this is justifiable.

    The route that Chelsea took on the matter is based on damages that the club incurred from paying Parma 24 million euros on his transfer fee in 2003

    Chelsea probably found a legal way to charge Mutu for compensatory damages by practically having him pay for the transfer money the club "wasted" on him because of his breach of contract.

    Again this is very dependent on how his contract was structured.....

  2. well, it's all with kenyon..he's a d**n fool!

    abramovic doesnt need the 13.6's all kenyons idea...

    if FIFA makes a has to abide by the rules no matter what..or else he can hang his boots..! chelsea already fined him 20000 pounds..and did cut his 7 months wages..and now well i bet he was under contract and they are trying to get the money they would have got from his transfer.  ...he's now a star at fiorentina they thought it would be best to bring up the case now that mutu is at his peak of his career!

    and i bet they could have settled anywhere between 3-6m instead of this staggering 13.6m it's absolute BS!

    i have always hated chelsea'a management! and this adds another reason as to why i hate their management!

  3. He has to pay Chelsea that b/c he tested positive on taking Cocaine while he was playing for chelsea. I think its fair.

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