
Muzzelloaders & convicted felons?

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I live in south central Indiana. I have a felony over 30 years old. I love to hunt, especially deer. I do bow hunt, my question is :

Does anyone know the laws as far as Indiana goes for my being able to use a muzzleloader rifle to hunt? The Muzzeloader laws vary alot state to state... I don't have to fill out federal paperwork to buy one.. do I have the right to hunt with it, without fear of going to jail for possesion of a firearm ?




  1. in the state of Indiana, after being convicted of a felony, you are not allowed to carry ANY type of firearm (be it a muzzleloader or not).

  2. Sorry, but federal law prohibits a convicted felon from possessing any firearm and the term in not defined by how it is loaded.  So, even if Indiana law would allow it, federal law prohibits it.

  3. The law varies from state to state. In Texas 5 years after the end of a felony sentence you may own but not carry a fire arm. If you can show that you are hunting you are allowed one rifle (no pistol.) Any time that you have drugs + firearm as a convicted felon it is a potential federal felony.

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