
My 1 1/2 year old Pit-Boxer-Shepard Terrier Mix needs something for itching and infection ... I'm giving him ?

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50 mg of Benedryl 3 times a day as per another vet for the itching ... BUT I need to find something over the counter to give as an anti biotic ... Does anyone have any ideas ?




  1. Polysporin works to help fight the infection and speed healing of a wound, but you'll also need something to prevent your dog from l*****g it off (cone collar, for example).  If it's on his body or chest, fit him with a shirt so he can't get at it (and stop him from scratching the area raw, which will make it worse).

    My silly bichon ate an entire tube of Polysporin and just ended up with really icky I figured it didn't harm her!

    Once it's healed up, spray or rub some tea tree oil on.  You should be able to get this at pet stores or health stores.  It helps with the itching too.

    ***EDIT*** I learned the hard way too.  I took my dog to the vet at first, and came out $153 lighter:  1 shot of antibiotics, 1 shot of antihistamines, 1 bottle of antibiotic pills, 1 tube of Panalog cream, the consultation, and $10 for shaving off her hair in that little area!  For that amount I could have bought 17 tubes of Polysporin!!

  2. Get him some dry skin tablets and check him for fleas or take him back to the vet for another check up

  3. Petro-carbo salve is great to keep from itching. It also acts as a anti biotic as per a vet and vet tech from two different clinics as per when a person cannot afford the over price of vets charge  

  4. Go to the vet and have them prescribe something for the itch.

    Benadryl won't treat the itch, it will only lessen it. It also won't cure and prevent any infections. Depending on what is causing this itch, she may need a special topical medication.

    150mgs of Benadryl is pretty hefty, I would discontinue that now.

  5. There aren't any over the counter antibiotics. The Benadrly is only masking the problem right now. 50 mg every 6-8 hours is fine. Try bathing with a mild cleanser like Cetaphil every other day or so. Do not use any oatmeal shampoos or even baby shampoo, they are all to drying for the skin. You can try applying some vitamin E to the skin to soothe it, and add some veggie oil to the food to help with the skin. In the long run, he will more than likely need antibiotics. Also, in the future be sure to keep the dog on a high quality flea/tick preventive like Frontline or Advantix. Fleas can drive dogs crazy, eventually leading to a skin infection. Some dogs are very sensitive to fleas and have a severe allergy to even one flea bite.

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