
My 1/2 a foot long oscar fish keeps slameimg himself into the top and bottom of the tank? wat can i do?

by  |  earlier

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i dont want my oscar fish to die!!




  1. He is either try to spar with himself or he is stressed. You can turn off any light you have and it should make him stop but if it is stress then you need to find the cause. Check your water parameters and see if anything is too high. He may need some more hiding places as well so try and provide some more cover for him.

  2. i don't know why it would be doing this, but while it is make sure you have a cover completely covering the tank.... last week we had an oscar who what about 6 inches long jump out of a hole next to the filter that didn't even seem big enough for it to fit out, and we found him on the floor the next morning :(

  3. Well how big is your fish tank? It could be because the tank is too small.

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