
My 1 year old baby has sleeping prob ?

by  |  earlier

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he wakes up in the middle of deep sleep and usually his eyes are closed and kips crying... occassionalythrows up sum milk ven he is in an uncomfortable position like stomach pressed or ven he takes overfeed (dairy milk). i thought he was just scared after hi VSD operation experience 6 months but nw it's been six months and he still does this even ven he has just slept after takin feed so no question of being hungry.can it be sum gastric prob or nightmare... sumbody has a solution plz?




  1. it could be a nightmare, take him to the doctor. ummmmm, my baby brother smiles and giggles in his sleep, and he sometimes crys and sniffs in his sleep. it might be nightmares but it can also be something serious. Go see the doctor

  2. learn to spell first?

    but take him to a doctor, no one on here knows your baby, doctors can actually examine him.

    good luck :]

  3. It could be nightmares. Pray over him every day and night. Keep some soothing gospel music on in his room all day every day. Read a Bible scripture to him when he wakes up and before he goes to bed. Also to to make sure it is nothing serious still take him to the doctor and even put a camera in his room so the doctor can see what happens to him when he is slept.

  4. Just take him to the Dr. - it could be serious.

  5. I request you to take your baby to a doctor the more quickly as possible since if later you have discovered that problem, it would may be too late but i think that small babies' imagination is very very different from adult because even though they are small, they think not about cartoons but about the thing they've most recently seen.While thinking, they get afraid since those things is too bigger for him  

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