
My 1 year old sees early intervention for the first time tomorrow?

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He is showing ALOT of delyas and need some help. Does anyone have any suggestions about what to expect of stories of you own experiences?




  1. My son has been seeing them for 19 months now.  He sees them twice a week.  They come to my house and work with my son for an hour.  My son was a preemie and is delayed in his fine motor skills and speech.  He also has oral aversion and sensory defensiveness so he doesn't like to eat.  They bring pegs for him to put in a peg board, he stacks blocks, points to pictures in books, things like that.  Then they go to the table and we try to tackle getting him to eat.  They are going to ask you alot of questions.  You are going to have to work with your child as well on the things he is delayed on.  So far, its been a good experience.  It gets a little overwhelming because it seems that my life revolves around this twice a week and then once a week we also have to drive to a town an hour away and work with an occupational therapist there too.  It helps my son so it's all worth it.

  2. Well, both my kids went to early intervention.  My 2 year old is now in it for speech delay.  It seems like your child has more than a speech delay, if he is only 1.  I'm not sure the answer you want to hear.  Your coordinator should have told you everything that will happen during the classes.

  3. Are they coming to do an evaluation or to start working with him? If it's the eval they will do it by playing with him in a way that allows them to observe what they need to see, and they will ask you lots of questions. If he is starting services expect them to play with him a lot, and to show you things to do with him when they are not there. After the eval is complete you should be invited to a meeting where all the results will be discussed and a plan will be developed. You do not have to agree to anything you do not understand or feel is wrong. Ask lots of questions. If you have already had the meeting then make sure you keep in touch with the Service Coordinator and ask the teachers or therapists about anything that puzzles you.

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