My son is 14 months old, has been walking for over 3 months and does not seem to stop moving. I want to say I don't have a problem with him being so active as I want him to wear himself out and I have the house baby proofed so he can go anywhere that is not blocked off. I can just see that he wants to climb so bad and he takes it out on my furniture. We have a climber outside, but it does not seem to be "difficult" enough for him because he gets bored very easily. I don't know if he is old enough for a little rock wall, or if they make something for indoors when it is raining (these days are especially difficult when I am trying to finish my college work). I spend lots of time with him already and we read every day. We just need something fun that does not involve the prospect of falling off the back of a couch. Thanks in advance for your help.