
My 1 yr old used to eat anything now she wont eat any veggies, How do I get her to eat her vegetables again?

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My 1 yr old used to eat anything now she wont eat any veggies, How do I get her to eat her vegetables again?




  1. I sneak it in as a pizza topping:) Good luck!

  2. I struggle with the same problem, but my son will eat anything if it is covered with bread.

  3. My daughter is going through the same thing right now too.  She used to eat any vegetable I set in from of her.  I am in the middle of experimenting right now, myself.  I think it may be that the veggies are not pured like the baby food ones are.  I am trying to mush them up a bit.  I just keep giving them to her even though she usually tosses them on the floor.  I do this because I want her to constantly see them and maybe she will get one in her mouth.  Also once in a while I will put the very smallest bit of salt on them.  So far she only eats the potatoes.  Keep trying.

  4. Mix them in with her other foods--pasta sauces, meat loaf, meatballs, eggs, on sandwiches, etc.  

  5. Wait until she's two then tell her that she CAN'T have any vegetables..then wait for the tantrum & give them to

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