
My 10 mo old will not eat any green veggies. Does anyone have any suggestion or should i even be worried?

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My 10 month old son will not eat any veggies except squash, sweet potatoes and carrots. He ate peas, broccoli and green beans when he was on 1st and 2nd foods but now he will not eat baby food so I have had to start switching him to table food and he wont eat any green stuff(except avocado). I am worried he is not getting everything thing he needs because he wont eat meat either except tilapia. He is maintaining the same weight but hasn't really gained any in the last month.




  1. You can disguise some of those greens inside hamburger, i.e. meatloaf, burgers, spaghetti sauce, omelets.  If you grind it up fine enough he probably won't notice it.

  2. He'll probably grow out of it, but to be sure I would call his Pediatrician.

  3. Do not worry about this right now.  If he is drinking milk (or formula) and eating the yellow vegetables he is getting everything he needs.  Kids' tastes change almost daily at that age.

    WIth our heavily fortified US food supply (vitamins in wheat flour and many other products) it is hard to be undernourished.  

    If your child is not gaining weight it is NOT because he is not eating green vegetables.  Keep an eye on the weight and tell the pediatrician you are concerned about his weight if you think it a problem.  

    Believe me, next month, you will have something new to stew about!

  4. try putting meat gravy on the greens and chopping the vege up into very small pieces.

  5. My opinion is this:

    he knows what his body wants and it may be his body doesn't do well with those  for some reason ~time will tell

  6. He's just 10 mo, your probably just rushing him. Talk this over with your doctor ok.  

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