
My 10 month old baby is grinding her teeth??

by  |  earlier

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Is that normal?? Shes doing it so much, or so hard, that I can hear her. I dont want her to do any damage to herself.. Is there anything I can do? Anyone else's baby doing this? Or did it?

Im worried..

-- Thanks




  1. nerve racking isnt it ? lol . dont worry , it's normal . my son did this when he started getting his bigger teeth in . drove me nuts !! and as far i as i know there really nothing to do about it outside of something to chew on . of course logan would soon grind . they out grow it .  

  2. You could try urging her to chew on something soft like a toy or a washcloth. My 8 month old grinds his gums and I can hear him too. I hate the sound! Theres still no sign of teeth with him. I give him something to chew and he's fine.

  3. my son did it off and on for a few months right around that age. I found the more I acknowledged it the more he did it.

    so i ignored it and he finally stop it!

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