
My 10 month old daughter wont drink anything for nearly 3 days?

by  |  earlier

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3 days ago, she drank 14 ouncez, yesterday 10, today 2....she is drooling like crazy because she is teething, her nose is running like crazy too. She has has one wet diaper in 12 hours. Websites suggested I just try to hydrate her and if her mouth goes dry to bring her up....I just don`t want to wait that long. Her one wet diaper today has maybe an ounce of urine in it and was almost orange is was so dark.

Would you take her up?

I am going to, I just am getting sick of my mother telling me I worry too much.

Oh yah, she is 22 lbs and usually drinks 8 6 oz bottles in a 24 hour period. so 48 oz.

I just want some reasurrance. I`m taking her up after she wakes.




  1. go to hospital

  2. DEFINITELY take her to the doctor asap...she will dehydrate if she isnt getting enough fluids!

  3. Right away take her to the doctor.Dehydration can cause death,why waiting for disaster.


    1)Give her one spoon of honey atleast 3 times.

    2)Calcaria is homoepathy medicine,very-very helpful during teething (it stops paining,and loose motion of the child.It helped my sisiter's daughter. 2 tablets 3 times a just put the tablet in the mouth,it is sweet and the child will like it...just try if you get it from any medical can give till teething, no harm for the baby)

    3)For cold and caugh,you can give one spoon of honey(little more) and ginger.(little less coz she is little child)

    4)You can rub balm little on her sole(under feet) and put socks while sleeping or otherwise also.It helps very much.pls don't rub balm on delicate skin of her,it will itch,just the sole.

    You can also,put some balm in boiling water and kepp the cointerner  at the room, a little away.It helps relieving cold and blocked nose.

    5)For babies cold or blocked nose, use nasal drop, buy from medical shop now. very important.

    6)Don't force baby to drink if she doesn't,you just give her 2-3 spoons of ORS water or mixture of salt-sugar water at regular intervals.

    Some important medicines for babies you should always keep at home:-

    Crocin drops=for fever

    Nasal Drop= for cold and blocked nose

    Calcaria=for teething

    ORS=for dehyderation

    Any Balm

    and for loose motion......i just can't remember the medicine name.

  4. This is not the right place to seek medical advise. PLEASE...she needs medical don't waste time and just rush to your pediatrician...mebbe he will give her a drip if she is dehydrated.

  5. Yeah, I'd call the doctor, I hope she feels better soon.

  6. Good Lord....

    What r u waiting for ??? Christmas ??

    Pls consult the doctor immediately ....

    For further information please write me at



  7. She is not drinking coz she has got a cold and is not able to breathe while drinking as the nose is blocked . feed her fluids by spoon a little at a time and she will drink. it takes a lot of time but be patient .

    get her to the doctor  who will suggest the correct decongestant .  as a mum you will worry and this is good ... shows that you care . take her to a doc who has got time to listen to you and also look at symptoms popular hospitals tend to give less time to patients coz they can make money by seeing more patients in less time. i make sure that if i have a doubt on the hospital i take the baby to another doctor for reassurance.  

    By the way ..... your mom said not to worry coz she is from that generation where things were taken at ease . but  times have changed , go to the hospital if you feel that it should be done .


    Dark orange urine is a sign of dehydration and 3 days is nearly enough to kill an adult, let alone a little baby,

    PLEASE, go there RIGHT NOW!

    {and I don't understand what you mean by "take her up" or "bring her up"}

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