
My 10 month old got burned by my hair straightner, how do i treat the burn?

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today i was gettting ready to go some where and plugged my hair straightner up and left it to get hot for a few minutes and out of no where my 10 month old pulled the cord of the straightner and it fell and burned his face ? how do i treat the wound do i just leave it alone or apply neosporin?




  1. Oh, no! I am so sorry that this happened. I would seek medical advice. These burns can be bad and leave a scare.

  2. Gently dry the burned area and apply Polysporin Triple Action with pain relief or similar to help treat the burn and prevent infection.

    Wrap the burned area with gauze.

    Give the child either Tylenol (acetaminophen) to deal with the pain.

    also you should Seek medical your DR and let them know..just incase it gets infected..

  3. Get some burn cream with pain reliever.  They have it at any drug store.  Just keep applying that to the burn.  It will look like it's getting worse before it gets better.  It might blister if its a bad burn, but don't pop the blister.  It will pop or deflate on it's own.  It's nothing to worry about. I have gone through this before.  

    You might be worried that it will scare but don't be, it will fade pretty fast.  

  4. Well obviously the best solution is to seek a medical professional.  

    However, if you can't, or chose not to, for whatever reason, I have a few suggestions.  My grandfather was a firefighter and taught me a thing or two about burns.  It would help greatly for you to determine what degree the burn is:

    1rst degree:  Just burned the top layer of skin; redness of the skin is present, looks like a rug burn.  minor swelling may occur.  Skin should peel and heal in a few days.  It's generally not a big deal, it's similar to a sunburn.

    2nd degree:  burned through the top layer of the skin, as well as some beneath.  You will see a puss filled blister form.  Leave the blister alone!!  It will eventually pop and drain leaving a soft pink new skin underneath.  Cover it with a clean gauze pad that you change regularly to prevent any messing with the wound.  Keep a vigilant eye for signs of infection (red streaks coming from the wound) and seek medical attention immediately if present.

    3rd degree:  burned through all layers of the skin.  Looks charred.  You would know it when you see it . . . it's BAD and requires skin grafting.  I highly doubt your son has this from a hot hair tool.

    **You should note that professionals highly reccomend burns on the face be checked out**

    Here is a website that could offer more info:

  5. what you should have done was put cold water on his face and taken him to the hospital. and in future be more careful of course your 10 month old came from nowhere that's what they do.

  6. If it were me i would just go ahead and take my baby to the hospital.  They will have all the right answers for you and medications and they will tell you the rigth way to take care of it so it doesnt get infected.  Better safe than sorry is what i say!!

  7. Call the dr.  Don't put anything on the burn.  If the skin is broken, bleeding, or blistered I would call a nurse line or take him to the hospital to have it looked at.  Face burns are serious in adults, and more serious in babies!

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