
My 10 month old is catnapping during the day!?

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My son sleeps exceptionally well at night sleeping from 7pm till 7am without a peep. He has no problem going to sleep, I just pick him up from where ever he is tell him "it's time to go and have a sleep" kiss his big teddy goodnite and lay him in his cot, walk out and no fuss at all and within 5-8 min he is asleep. He goes down at 10am in the morning and in the afternoon he goes down 3 hours from when he wakes from morning sleep, though he only ever sleeps for 40 mins! I have tried shuffling what time he goes down in the morning and afternoon but it makes no difference. I know he needs more sleep because when he wakes he is upset and grisly for the next hour. I will not use the controlled crying method as this only confuses him me walking in and out for the next hour. Any other suggestions?

Do you think he needs more stimulation, as I know that when we go out for the day, shop around whatever it is he will always sleep longer.




  1. I'd try taking away his morning nap, and see if that helps him sleep longer in the afternoon.

    I think around this age because they're growing and learning so much that they're just too busy to sleep. Mine did something similar. I took away his morning nap and he did a lot better with his afternoon nap.

  2. Try changing his naptime.  Note the time that he starts to nod off and make that his naptime, skipping the 10 am nap altogether.  At some point a baby goes from needing two naps to one, and I think you've reached that point.

  3. i'm glad you asked this question. Mine is 9.5 months old and having similar problems. she just doesn't want to nap during the day and even has started to make a break for the door if she thinks i am going to put her in her crib for a nap! she never sleeps that long but is really tired and cranky by bed time. sorry i am not helping but i'm just glad i am not alone!

  4. He probably has an iron deficiency...... Take him to a doctor

  5. He sounds perfectly normal. Children vary so much in their sleep needs.

    One of mine was just like him, she was always wanting to play and do so many things, but slept so well at night. The other would sleep well, but only if he was put down around 6pm, then wake at 5am... but he got tired easily and would sleep another hour or so in the afternoon, always straight after lunch. He's always needed lots of sleep, but now works shift work and can sleep any time of the day or night as his hours require.

    Be grateful that he goes to bed so easily, so many Mums can only dream of that.

  6. hmm,, my 9 month old sleep his 8 hrs straight at night, let's say he wakes up at up for an hour then goes back to bed at 7am until 9:30 am, he is awake a little longer..then at 11-11:30 he is down again...until probably 12 or 12:30....then about 4 he takes another half an hour nap....then I try to keep him awake until later 8 pm ish so he can have a good night sleep.

    He is perfectly normal, don;t worry too much, they need to sleep to grow.

  7. My 20 month old sleeps from 8 pm to 7 am, then goes down for a nap from 11 am till 2 pm. It works for him and if i try to change it he makes me miserable. Just do what seems to work for your baby he knows when he need a nap. I'm not real sure about waking up grumpy and everything but hopefully you will find something that works.

  8. kids need sleep to grow. If you are really worried then take him to the doctor and get the doctor to look at him. But he might just love his nap and while he naps you could take time for a break for yourself to.

  9. My first girl hardly ever slept - she stopped napping completely at 15 months!  but when she was going through a growth spurt she'd sometimes sleep in the afternoon.  she's been disgustingly healthy her whole life so it didn't cause me concern (just caused me exhaustion from never getting a break!)  Yours seems to be getting an amazing sleep at night so I'd be thanking my lucky stars and not worrying too much.  He'll probably sleep a little longer in the afternoon when the morning nap is cut out.   I also agree controlled crying is a horrible practice - I think if a young child is crying there's always a reason!

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