
My 10 month old is refusing her bottle during the day and at night.Also restlessly sleeping at night?

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She is fine during the day.Playing and her normal chirpy self.No sign of a cold either and has eaten all her porridge this morning.Only refusing her milk. After her normal bedtime routine she sleeps just fine...only drinks a little milk and then pretends to be drinking more, when I check her bottle its only 1 ounce.Then she will wake up 2 or 3 times crying until I pick her up, refusing water so we make a bottle and then again she drinks only 1 ounce ...Dont know what to do..its been 3 days like this...




  1. If she has an earache she won't want to suck on the bottle, nor will she sleep well.

    If that's not it, try giving her some milk in a sippy cup or cup with a straw (If she can use a straw.)

    Since she needs milk, nutritionally, flavoring her milk with a little grape juice or chocolate syrup might help.

  2. She may not like the milk that much even if she did at one time ~ not sure what formula it is because you shouldn't have her on any regular milk yet (1 is the youngest due to the bacterias) so you should just try a different type or ad some of that porridge(Gerber rice or cereal) she enjoys to the milk making the nipple a tiny bit larger so she can receive the thicker milk

    Also, if you haven't introduced a different level jar food you may want to start now  

  3. She may be teething which could mean the sucking causes her discomfort. If this is the case, then she is not finishing her bottles because of the discomfort so she is then getting hungry throughout the night but again can't finish her bottle because of the pain. She is probably drinking enough to make her not hungry but once she is not hungry it is no longer worth the pain. Try some teething gel and see if that helps her finish the bottle.

  4. She may be teething, hence why she's not sucking her bottle and that could also link to the sleeping.

    Perhaps get her some things for possibly teething and check she doesn't have something else such as ear problems, which can also cause discomfort.

  5. my babies would not take thier bottles when they were teething.. it hurt to much..

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