
My 10 month old won't have her bed time milk but has started to wake at 4am hungry. help?

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she is 10months this week, eat really well. 1 weetabix and a 6-8oz bottle for breakfast a dinner and some fruit for lunch, a snack at 1-1.30 of yogurt and fruit for tea a dinner and sometimes a pudding if she will eat it, . she use to have tea at 5pm but started not wanting milk for bed so i moved tea time to 4pm thinking she would be hungry for the milk. NOT WORKING as she now wakes 4am for feed. do i move her tea back till 5pm or put rusk or wetabix in her bed time bottle ???????????????????

a very tired momxx




  1. I have noticed that the best thing to do for my daughter was to give her water like said in a previous answer she did resist a bit so we did half milk half water and then kept watering it down till eventually she really wanted nothing to do with it and has slept right through trust me i completely understand what your going through but if you try this for a few days and see it might just work

  2. i would try and give her water at the 4pm feed as she wont want this and hopefully this will break the habbit.  it worked on my son.  he just gave up after a few nights and thought better of it waking up.  

    just be strong and keep to your guns.

  3. Has anything else changed? Is she eating more for lunch or at tea time? Maybe cut back, slightly, at these times, so she'll take her bottle.

    You could also try feeing her the fruit(s) and yogurt in the morning and little more at lunch, give her small amount of finger foods at tea time, and then a bottle before bed.

    Good Luck

  4. Try putting her teatime back to 5pm and try her on a rusk or a couple of spoons of cereal before bed.

    My daughter who is now 1 has been refusing her milk from about the same age so we always give her a snack between 6-7pm depending how tired she is.

    I don't think Rosie refuses it because she is not hungry, I think she can't be bothered/doesn't like it any more.

    She mostly refuses it at breakfast time as well, the only time she has it at breakfast is if she sleeps until 9.30am (she likes her sleep) then she is starving and needs something quick.

  5. I would give her tea as usual, then, half an hour before bedtime, a little porridge,to fill her stomach until morning.

  6. heres what we do,we pick  up our lad(who is 5 1/2 months) from  his cot about 11pm he is still half asleep we give him a bottle and change his nappy(hes still asleep) then he sleeps through till bout 8-9am sometimes later

  7. For my elder, we actually give him his bottle of milk at around12.00am( just before we sleep) while he is half sleep and he will then sleep through till 8.00am.

    And for my second one, we first tried the same way but found that she was settle with a bottle of water instead. So we always prepared a bottle of water next to her bed and give her whenever she woke ( usually at around 2.00am). And she will then sleep through till 9.00am

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