
My 10 questions about the WWE?

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Ok I have 10 questions about whats goin on in the WWE. Best answer goes to who can answer all of them well enough.

#1- Who do you think is the most looked up to in the locker room? Undertaker, Shawn Michaels or Triple H?

#2- Why is Triple H not being used in matches? I know he has a baby but if he is going to appear atleast make him wrestle. No wonder he never loses the championship he is well rested.

#3- Who is a better champion? Edge or Randy Orton.

#4- What is the deal with Kane? Is he getting a push or just a neat storyline before he retires?

#5- Since Rey Mysterio is in the Championship Scramble does that mean he made nice with the WWE? Before it was rumored that he is leaving because he has not been paid enough cash.

#6- Why is Stone Cold still on the WWE Roster? Do they still pay the guy?

#7- Jerry Lawyer..... Why are they making him try and wrestle again... he is just tainting his good past image with a fat guy who can barley fit in a king suit.

#8- Do you think that Shawn Michaels will be out for the Count after No Mercy?

9- Will we see Undertaker wrestling at all soon? Or is he still going to just slap around Vickie and La Familia.

10- Is John Cena really hurt?




  1. 1. Tie Between The Undertaker & Shawn Michaels i'm going to say The Undertaker.

    2.Thats very true. I have know idea why, probably because he has a baby


    4.I think a neat storyline before he retires

    5. Not sure about this one.

    6. I have know idea why he's still on the roster, but rumors are he will be returning at WM25 so that might be why.

    7. I don't know what there doing with The King

    8. No

    9. I think he will wrestle this week on SD

    10. Yes

  2. undertaker

    your right because the baby

    randy orton

    good story line, not retiring though

    rey is a punk, wwe should let him go, scramble just a way to build kane vs rey feud

    yeah they are the ones who produce his movies

    they are trying to make him look like a good guy, i think he still owns a wrestling organization in memphis where he makes wrestling apperances there too

    no, he won't retire yet

    if wwe was smart they would put him up against hhh and let him win

    yeah, but who cares cena sucks

  3. brian gage sucks

  4. 1. the undertaker

    2.because he is married to the bosses daughter


    4.its more like a push for rey mysterio because of his absence

    5.maybe there all good or maybe he is just staying untill his contract is up

    6.stone cold still gets paid he has a legends deal like hulk hogan. for special apperances

    7.another match probably got canceled , a last minute decision shawn will continue with wwe

    9.he is regularly in a match before a ppv and is in the main event at the ppv. besides that he just attacks someone or gets attacked

    10.i think so, but not really sure  

  5. 1.  Taker.  Shawn and Triple H have a bad stigma in the locker room, and I wouldn't be surprised if they isolated themselves from the rest of the roster.  I know for a fact that the Raw locker room was very happy when Trips jumped to Smackdown, so that speaks volumes.  While I think things may have changed with Shawn over the years, especially in his peer's eyes, Taker seems more likely to talk to younger people.

    2. Age may also play a role in it.  Guys like the Undertaker are also known to have contracts now where they do maybe 6 or 7 TV matches a year, but mostly work PPV's exclusively.  While I'm sure the baby has a lot to do with it, I think it's mostly Trips's age, and possibly recovery time.  This man's been under the knife quite a few times in his career, and he's not getting any younger.  PS-even if he did work TV shows, I doubt he'd lose the title on free TV.

    3. Edge.  While Orton looks better with gold, Edge just seems more credible in my eyes, and really acts like he wants to keep that title at all costs, and that's how a champion should be.

    4. He's getting push.  Although I think his retirement isn't far off, I don't think this is his last horrah.  He said he wanted to go out putting over a younger superstar, and Rey Mysterio definitely isn't young, and he definitely doesn't need to go over Kane to look credible.

    5. I've never heard these rumors, so I'm going to consider them unfounded.  The internet lies sometimes.  Your best bet is to find a good source and stick to it.  Gerwick and 411mania are two I've found to be reputable over the years.  411's never steered me wrong.

    6. Austin's under contract, he's just not a full time wrestler.  Flair was set to be under a contract like Austin's, which is sometimes called a "legend's deal" which consists of usually working exclusively with the WWE and getting DVD's and merchandise pimped out long after you retire.  In some cases it's a good move, but some would argue with today's independent scene becoming more and more mainstream, there's money to be made on the road, and that's the path Flair's taken.

    7. I thought King did quite well considering his ring rust and age limitations.  Outside of Memphis, the man really doesn't have much of a legacy, and in Memphis he's only second to Elvis, so I don't think there's much he can do to taint his legacy, even if he were to OD on a toilet, those people would still worship him.

    8. You mean retired?  Maybe.  I think it was last year, or '06 when Shawn disappeared for awhile, and reports were made that he didn't really want to come back, but the WWE made him some very lucrative offers.  I think Shawn's beginning to realize that time with family is irreplacable, and that sooner or later he will have to sacrifice wrestling to maintain a good relationship with his family.

    9. I think Taker may disappear for awhile, at least a month.  As I've said before, guys like Taker and Triple H aren't getting any younger, and a gimmick like h**l in a Cell can take it's toll (oddly enough, both men are the most synonamous with the gimmick).  If you've noticed, he really hasn't made his presence known since the PPV, and it might remain that way for awhile.  That's just the nature of the Undertaker.

    10.  I question a lot of injuries right now in wrestling.  I think WWE's trying to make the product more kayfabe, and I honestly can't think of an instance in the past few months where Cena could have done this much damage to himself, although I also don't believe that the WWE would make light of something as serious as a neck injury.  If Vince is pulling the wool  over our eyes, more power to him for bringing something back from the dead that he killed single handedly, but if Cena and Orton are really in the bad shape that (and exclusively, I might add) reports, then I wish them both a speedy recovery.

  6. 1. undertaker/hbk

    2.maybe because he is ageing and is having a bit of a break


    4.i think wwe r trying to make him hated


    6.i want to no that awell

    7.he is a good commentator that is all

    8.i hope not


  7. 1 Shawn Michaels

    #2 I guess he has to take care of the baby

    #3 Edge

    #4 He is taking it easy

    #5 I think he is staying

    #6 Yeah they pay him because he shows up every once in a while

    #7 He shouldn't be wrestling

    #8 No

    #9 It might take a couple of weeks before he starts wrestling

    #10 NO

  8. 1 - I believe The Undertaker.

    #2 - I guess it could be because of the baby, who knows...

    #3 - Hmmm... Randy Orton I think. A little more vindictive.

    #4 - A push. I don't think he's retiring just yet.

    #5 - Well WWE wouldn't put someone that they have odds against into a PPV match, now would they?

    #6 - He makes occasional appearances, but he isn't on the official wrestling roster. Personally I think they should remove him from the RAW roster page.

    #7 - Well Jerry is semi-retired. So he does occasionally wrestle. Though occasionally seems like rarely.

    #8 - Nah. He isn't retiring anytime soon, but I do feel he will at the same time cut back on his schedule.

    #9 - I think he'll wrestle, but with Edge gone, & him not in the Championship scramble who knows at this point.

    #10 - Apparently so. I thought he was fine. John is a less stubborn version of Kurt Angle when it comes to injuries & how he deals with them. While Kurt wouldn't tell a soul & wrestle for weeks through the injury, John would mention it to some but persevere through it until told to do otherwise...

  9. 1- I'd have 2 say The Undertaker he has a respectable 16-0 wrestlemania streak something anyone would love to achieve.

    #2- The reason probably is, because he's been having constant rivalries over the WWE but I think that is the price you get with carrying the prestigious title.

    #3- Edge, because I think he is great wrestler and a heel and he has done amzing thing in his careers things Randy Orton hasn't done like winning TLC matches.

    #4 -I don't think he's getting a push they gave him a storyline as a heel because I think it suits him he is a big red machine and he probably just wants to retire in style.

    #5 - Yeah, I think that's right he wasn't appearing on monday night's because of wage problems but it's now resolved and they covered it up and gave him a storyline with Kane.

    #6 - He has still got a contract and he will be making an appearance at Wrestlemania 25.

    #7- I think they only gave him one match, because he didn't like Priceless direspect to Jim Hacksaw Duggins.  

    #8- This rivalry with Chris Jericho might go into No Mercy and finish there, because he probably he wanted a long Storyline before ending his career.

    #9- I think he'll sill have a rivalry going with La famillia after what happened last friday on Smackdown, but I'm hoping for him to get back into the title chase because he's a great wrestler.

    #10- John Cena is really after those Batista Bombs he had a neck problem but it actually happened from the first Batista Bomb when he jumped from the turnbuckle and the fight with Priceless afterwards made it worse which made his arm numb. It's real

  10. 1]  I'd say HBK by just a tad over the Undertaker.  

    2]  He has major creative sway and he can get Vince to agree to most of his ideas.

    3]  Orton , much more meaner streak than Edge.

    4]  Bit of both I think, and  I think he still has a couple good years left in him before he hangs it up.

    5] They didn't want to rush him back and have him re-injured again.

    6] He makes a lot of guest appearances like he did at Wm 23 and Cyber Sunday and he gets paid for it.

    7] No idea.

    8] Nah, they need him he has a good year or two left in him again.

    9] We will know after tonights tapings

    10] Yes he is

  11. 1.HBK

    2.Well hes been in a few matchs


    4.Story line

    5.Well I would think so

    6.Yes. He works with the public relations department now

    7.I know

    8.Do you mean unforgiven, but no

    9.For now slap around, then back to wrestling


  12. 1. Taker... he is constantly learning and growing tougher

    2 He doesn't like to job. Not my type of champion.

    3 Randy Orton... he makes me hate him but he doesn't get it handed to him

    4 I hope he gets a decent title run first... the general consensus of the section

    5 see my answer to number 10

    6 I think that is because they leave the door open for him to come back as needed (at a cost of course)

    7 I respect what he's done so it's nice for him to relive it occasionally

    8 I think he will retire vs the Undertaker at Wrestlemania

    9 I think he's probably going to job some revenge for the next few weeks

    10 I think it could be a work. It seems funny after seeing his performance in a handi-cap match vs Rhodes/DiBiase. And I think it may have been easier for creative to provide some sort of storyline at this point for Rey than Cena. There is untapped potential with Rey on Raw. And I think that the WWE knows that Cena is growing stale (I'm still a Cena fan, though).

  13. 1. Undertaker

    2. Because they are attempting to start a new gimmick for him. No one wants to face him anyway.

    3. Edge

    4. It is just Kane's new gimmick.

    5. No, he was in a contract dispute. Now it just got settled so they added him to it.

    6. If the ratings go down, they just bring Stone Cold out to do something for a night to get the ratings back up. He is also a trainer backstage.

    7. It is just another storyline until Cryme Tyme get's their feud going with Rhodes & Dibiase.

    8. No, he is supposed to fight until Wrestlemania where he is going to lose to the Undertaker, that is the rumor.

    9. Sooner or later, Edge is injured so as of right now he has no feud.

    10. Yes  

  14. Undertaker

    Bosses daughters husband .. end of


    I think hes getting a push, at least hes in a storyline and not JUST matches

    Never heard of that

    Hes returning at cyber sunday and wrestling at wrestlmania 25

    God knows

    No h**l win

    Handicap match at unforgiven


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