
My 10 week old chihuahua may have fleas...although i have never seen but maybe 1 or 2..?

by  |  earlier

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Is the prescrition flea medication Ovitrol to strong for her? I just spray a good amount onto a dry clean washcloth and wipe her down with it. Is this ok?




  1. if youre dog is scracthing on the neck for fleas and its still a puppy she's just not used to the collar. I though the same thing when i had a puppy. and yes a spray is good enough since shes small. oh and dont take her outside until she is 4 months old becuse she might get parvo a disease ( just a reminder)

  2. If you think your dog has fleas, i suggest you try Frontline, If you dont put the medication on the dogs skin then it may not work because the fleas bite the skin not the fur, it sounded to me as though you put the medication on her fur.

    Good luck :)

  3. Where there is one, there are a hundred more.

    I recommend Frontline.

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