
My 10 week old kitten had sprained leg, 2 days on she is still lethargic.normal?

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My 10 week kitten developed a limp along with lethergy so we took her to the vet. He diagnosed a front leg sprain and a temperature and administered a metacam jab (0.4ml). It is now 2 days later and she is still lethergic, no engery and is still l slightly lame on her front leg (lots better then before). Have read lots of horror stories of Metacam on the web and i am hoping that the lethergy is just a side effect as she is such a little thing under 1kg.




  1. Call your vet back.  She needs to be looked at again.

  2. A fever as well as the pain medication can cause her to be sleepy.  Definitely call the vet and report it.  They may decrease her dosage.  ALWAYS better safe than sorry :)

    Sprains can take awhile to heal, be patient and try (lol) to keep her confined as long as you can.  They have a tendency to re-injure themselves by being over-active to soon.  That is one reason some people choose NOT to give pain meds, they feel that if the pet feels "to good" it will not realize the extent of it's injury and cause itself more harm.

    Good luck and I hope she feels better soon.

  3. If her legs hurting her the best thing is sleep and rest,All ways re fare back to your vet,but don't always take their word as gospel,

    You are the best judge of YOUR animal.

    If you don't think their is any improvement in 4days from injection, ask your vets advice,

    The reason I say this is. 18yrs ago a vet recommended we PTS a cat that had an "tumour" on her intestine's  as she was being sick  after eating. He said "if she was mine Id be thinking of letting her go ,as its not going to get any better".I advised my daughter (its her cat) to let the cat be the judge.--she will tell you when shes "had enough". that cats STILL going now,at the ripe old age of 21,

    So please don't take a vets word as gospel. they can sometimes be WRONG

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