
My 10 week old son just cries all day long!! What can I do?

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He sleeps pretty good at night now - 7 hours first then he eats and sleeps about 3 more hours but then all day long, he just cries and cries because he is tired. I rock him to sleep and he is fine while I am holding him but then I lay him down and he screams and screams and cries until I put him back to sleep. He literally is like this from the time he gets up till the time he goes to bed. Maybe with 10 minutes here and there when he is content. I cannot just hold him all day long but I think he is too young to just let him cry. What can I do?




  1. You could try laying him down in your bed next to you and allowing him to fall asleep there and then moving him to his own bed, it worked great with keeping my son asleep. Also, have you checked that maybe he is having gas or stomach issues?

  2. My daughter was exactly the same way. She was so fussy, all day long. One thing that really saved us was using a Miracle Blanket and swaddling her. It really calmed her down.

    He may be gassy or have reflux. Try Mylicon drops. Talk to your pediatrician and see if he may need to get evaluated for reflux.

    I would also recommend a sling. You can have him close to you, comfort him, he can stay calm and maybe gets some sleep, but you are hands free and can get some things done.

    He may also be calmed down by a vibrating bouncy seat or a swing that goes side-to-side.

    Unless it is a gas/reflux issue he will calm down if he feels secure. He is really too little to understand crying it out. I personally do not think crying it out is a good option for babies under 6 months.

  3. I would say, let him cry for about 5-10 minutes.  if he is still crying after that, then go and pick him up.  But they learn early how to get what they want.  It's human nature.  But if he is still crying after about ten minutes, he might have gas.  Make sure he doesn't have to burp or p**p.  if he need to pass gas and is having trouble, try rubbing his stomach in a circular motion.

  4. He may have acid reflux. My little boy is the same way he is 9wks old and he seems to scream all the time even when he is tired. Even if he is not showing excessive amounts of spit up he may still have it. First, try having him at an incline for about 30min after every feeding, and while he's eating don't let him lay flat on his back. If you are bottle feeding, burp him every 1 1/2 to 2 oz he eats. If this doesn't help, take him to the doctor! Something could be wrong with him.

  5. Get one of those baby carrier things that straps on your body like a backwards backpack.  You just haul him around on the front of you all day.  

    This phase will pass, but it is very challenging when they are this young.

  6. My 1st daughter had similar problem. My wife quit breastfeeding her (against doctors advice) and started formula (with iron I believe) and life got much better.

  7. are you sure he's drinking enough he might be still hungry,especially if he isn't waking at night

  8. try a snuggly and carry him most of the day, he sounds to be a sensitive little guy and maybe needs this kind of attention right now.  He will out grow this but for now try to carry him as much as possible and see if he needs more play time too.  he is not a newborn anymore and doesn't need so much sleep.

  9. At about 10 weeks my baby began to like laying on a playmat and staring at the dangling animals (I bought it at Target).  When she began to get whiny I talked to her, used a pacifer, or jiggled the animals... anything to distraction her from crying...but I didn't pick her up.  If that worked, then I left her there.  However, if she really began crying I picked her up, soothed her and tried again 10 minutes later.   Now, she's on her mat for long periods of time, amusing herself, even taking naps. She even sits in a baby lounge thing (a gift) in the kitchen watching me do dishes.  She's quit independent.  But it took a little while.

    Oh, I never leave her alone on the mat though.  I'm always sitting next her.  But I can do my mail, answer email.... relax.  Just be patient, and your little one will get there too.

  10. Sorry to tell you this girlfriend, but it sounds like you baby has what us southerns call lapcolic. That means the baby is spoiled, but not in a bad way. It's a good thing to nuture a child,love them and cuddle with them. But us women have to much to do do so you have to find a balance. You have to put the baby on a schedule. YOUR SCHEDULE, not there's. example: when the baby wakes up at around 7am feed dry kiss hug or what ever you do and lay him back down if he cries just deal with it. lay back down or do what ever you need to do, but if he yells longer than 20 min. Please check on him, but if he's just fussy make sure he's dry and don't need to be burped. Put him in the carrier near you, get some hanging toys and let him sit there and watch you move around, talk to him, blow kisses, but do what you need to do and don't pick him up. Then next feeding do the same and lay him down for a nap if he cries let him, his little body needs to stretch from being in the carrier. And gone on do what you got to do. They have to learn to adjust. Your not a bad mother just because you don't pick him up every time him he cries. After 2-3 wks you will notice a big difference and he you won't have to work so hard at it. They start learning how to entertain themselves. And enjoy you moving around and doing stuff. If you have to Play normal music you listen to. While your doing stuff it will start soothing them. They get use to it. It's a new world to them, they will adjust, just as you will. God Bless You. your welcome to contact me anytime.

  11. Try swaddling him really tight. Here is a youtube on how to swaddle properly:

    You can also swaddle leaving baby's legs free so that you can put baby in his/her swing.

    Try it, it really works!! I had the same problems with my baby when he was your baby's age. I don't swaddle him when he sleeps anymore, but he still like to be swaddled when he swings and he is 5-1/2 months old!! Get your baby used to it now and it will really save you headaches later on.

    Before you start diagnosing your baby with acid reflux or doubting your snuggling practices with baby try swaddling and try to get your hands on the DVD I am recommending. It really saved my sanity- from one new mom to another.

    Let me know how it goes.

  12. If you can't find any other answer I would suggest getting a baby sling.  It will free your hands and give your arms a break.  

    Have you tried a swing?  My son loved his portable swing at this age.  When I needed to get things done I would put him in it and carry it from room to room.  I would also put on home videos and put the swing in front of the TV to give me a little break.  Fun shows with lots of color like "The Wiggles"  also worked.  I know many people will tell you not to use TV but I had to find something that worked for me.  Saying this I also didn't use the Tv any longer than 45 minutes a day.  I was like you I just needed a break.  When he was 12 weeks I also used a bouncy chair.  He loved to kick and make it bounce.  It was something different for him other than tummy time.  Hope this helps.

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