
My 10 year old bro?

by  |  earlier

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wet the bed last night. he wets the bed from time to time. should he wear goodnites to bed so he doesnt need to deall with wet sheets if he wets the bed again




  1. yes  and he should stop drinking so much fluid before going to bed

  2. You should get some plastic and put it over the bed so he wont wet the bed.

  3. Does your mom know this is happening? He may need to see the doctor. My daughter did that and she was diagnosed with overactive bladder. She is on meds now and has not wet the bed since.

  4. If it's only from time to time, then I would say no he shouldn't have to wear one every night.  My own son says he gets too hot in them in the middle of the night and pulls it off himself.

    I make sure my son has a pee right before bed and I tell him if he doesn't then he'll have to wear a diaper.  99% of the time that works.

    I also tell my son if he's thirsty after dinner then he can have water otherwise he'll drink a whole glass and then can't possibly pee it all out right before bed.  With water he's likely only going to want a couple of sips.

  5. I think so just tobeon the safe side. That is soo sweet how you're looking out for your little brother.

  6. Nah, no goodnights. Just make sure he stops drinking fluids 2 hours before bed, and use the bathroom right before he goes to bed. That should help.

  7. My son did this occasionally in elementary school.    We used a bedwetting alarm.    The alarm goes off with just a little bit of wetness in the underwear.     If the room is too warm then the alarm may even go off if he's sweating.    If your parents are interested then you can order it online at      You can also find it in stores.   Look in the Yellow Pages under "medical supplies" or medical equipment" then call and ask if they sell bedwetting alarms.   They cost about $70.

    Since he only wets occasionally I wouldn't bother with "GoodNites".    Occasional wetters normally don't wet as heavily as every night wetters.   That's because they usually hold most of it in.    Does your brother still need to pee in the morning?   That's a clue right there that he does have some ability to hold in at night including the nights that he wets.    He just needs to have a plastic sheet covering the mattress and only use minimal sheets and blankets.

  8. He's probably having nightmares.

    Ask him to talk about it ?

  9. He should limit his intake of liquids after 5pm and maybe not drink anything after that time.  He shouldn't be drinking soda, soda causes gas, gas causes bloating, bloating puts pressure on the bladder, pressure on the bladder causes urination. Have mom or dad set a clock for him to go off in the middle of the night for him to get up and go to the bathroom.  If one of your parrents need to for the first few nights they should get up and make sure he gets up to go until he gets used to it.

  10. make him wear a bib or a diaper on his butt

  11. just take him to the doctor and do not make him wear pull ups. just treat him normal. and do not make fun of him.

  12. yes, does he sleep with you in your room?? If so then deffinatly get him goodnites. Its not like dipers its just that he needs them.

  13. Having a older child wear a diaper to bed, will make matters worse, and have adverse psycoligical effects.. It will also make the problem last longer.. that would not be a good way to deal with this. I would do some googling on the subject for answers from those that have had success in countering that problem in a postive way.

  14. That's sorta mean to be talking about that to the whole nation...I'm sure he's embarrassed about it.
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